
Rev. William Penny

1768 - 1846


Anglican clergyman, not a slave-owner, but a beneficiary under the will of Thomas Ashburner (q.v.), who left him £5000.

  1. Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Jan. 3, 1786. [S. of William.] B. at Bridgefield, Furness Fell, Lancs. [Bapt. Aug. 15, 1767.] School, Hawkshead. Scholar, 1786; matric. Michs. 1788; B.A. 1790; M.A. 1793. Ord. deacon (Ely) Sept. 23, 1792; priest, Dec. 23, 1792; C. of Shudy Camps, Cambs., and C. of Over. Does not appear to have held any benefice. Described in 1803 as of Heckfield, Hants., and in 1813 as of Fairfield Hall in the West Riding of Yorkshire. Married (1) June 10, 1803, Mrs Harriett Pleasance Ford, only dau. of Solomon Fell, Esq., of West Drayton, Middlesex; (2) Nov. 5, 1813, Sophia, dau. of the Rt. Rev. Samuel Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle. Latterly of Foxhall, Upminster, Essex, where he died Feb. 14, 1846, aged 78. (St John's Coll. Adm., IV. 421; G. Mag., 1846, I. 549.)


  1. Ancestry.com, Cambridge University 911±¬ÁÏÍø 1261-1900 [accessed 22/07/2018].

Further Information

(1) Harriett Pleasance Ford nee Fell; (2) Sophia Goodenough
St John's College, Cambridge

Relationships (1)

Legatee → Testator

Addresses (1)

Foxhall, Upminster, Essex, South-east England, England