
Sarah Gallimore

1741 - 1809


Slave-owner in Jamaica, widow of Jarvis Gallimore, making her will in London in 1806 but dying in Jamaica in 1809.

  1. Will of Sarah Gallimore widow of [Devonshire Street] St Marylebone proved 13/04/1810. In the will she left named enslaved people to her three daughters, Elizabeth Virgo Scarlett ('old Clary, Henrietta and Peter, Louisa, Austin, Tymore and Little Clary five children of Henrietta to hold the said slaves with the future issue offspring and increase of the females'), Mary Wisdom Gallimore ('old Chloe, Fanny and Robert, John, Charles and Samie the four children of Fanny to hold the said slaves with their future issue offspring and increase') and Juliana James Gallimore ('old Kitta, Madge, Johnny, and Berky to hold the said slaves with their future issue offspring and increase').

  2. Jarvis Gallimore and his wife Sarah had at least 8 children baptised in Trelawny, Jamaica, between 1771 and 1783 (the eldest Matthew born in 1766), including Juliana James, Mary Wisdom and Elizabeth Virgo. Sarah, widow of the late Jarvis Gallimore Esquire, aged 68 years, was buried at Greenfield Estate, 16/12/1809.


  1. PROB 11/1510/196.

  2. Familysearch.org, Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online]; Familysearch.org, unindexed Jamaican parish registers, Trelawny, Baptisms, marriages, burials 1771-1839, Vol. 1 p. 195.

We are grateful to Jim Brennan for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Jarvis Gallimore
Matthew (1766-), Elizabeth Virgo (1767-), William (1769-), James Spence, Jarvis, Mary Wisdom, Juliana James, Sarah Virgo


In the name of God Amen. I Sarah Gallimore of Devonshire Street Portland Place in the parish of St. Mary Le Bone in the County of Middlesex widow of Jarvis Gallimore late of the parish of Trelawny in the island of Jamaica Esquire deceased do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say I give and bequeath to my dear daughters Mary Wisdom Gallimore and Juliana James Gallimore all my plate to be equally divided between them share and share alike or as nearly so in value as may be I give and devise to my dear daughter Elizabeth Virgo Scarlett widow the following Negro and other slaves viz. old Clary, Henrietta and Peter, Louisa, Austin, Tymore and Little Clary five children of Henrietta to hold the said slave with the future issue offspring and increase of the females to her the said Elizabeth Virgo Scarlett her heirs and assigns for ever I give and devise to my daughter Mary Wisdom Gallimore the following Negro or other slaves viz. old Chloe, Fanny and Robert, John, Charles and Samie the four children of Fanny to hold the said slaves with their future issue offspring and increase unto my said daughter Mary Wisdom Gallimore her heirs and assigns forever I give and devise to my daughter Juliana James Gallimore the following Negro or other slaves viz. old Kitta, Madge, Johnny, and Berky to hold the said slaves with their future issue offspring and increase unto my said daughter Juliana James Gallimore her heirs and assigns forever And I give and bequeath to my said daughter Juliana James Gallimore the sum of 200 pounds sterling and I release and acquit my said two daughters Mary Wisdom Gallimore and Juliana James Gallimore from all accounts claims and demands whatsoever for Board Education or Maintenance since the death of their father or on any other account whatsoever which I now have or at the time of my decease may have against them or either of them And I give devise and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my Estate real personal and mixed whatsoever and wheresoever in possession revision remainder or expectancy or otherwise howsoever unto my three daughters Elizabeth Virgo Scarlett Mary Wisdom Gallimore and Juliana James Gallimore equally to be divided between them and to their heirs executors and administrators as Tenants in Common and not as joint Tenants And I nominate constitute and appoint James Virgo John of the parish of Trelawny aforesaid Esquire at present living in Clarendon Place Portman Square and William Groom of the said parish of Trelawny Esquire to be the Executors of this my Will and revoking all other wills by me at any time heretofore made I declare this to be my last will and Testament In witness whereof of I the said Sarah Gallimore have to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal this 31st day of July 1806 Sarah Gallimore (SS) Signed sealed published and declared by the above named Testatrix as and for her last will and Testament in the present of us who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each of their have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses John Cramsie? Nicholas Sandell? Charles Killett 10th April 1810 appeared personally Charles Killett of John's Street. . . gentleman who being sworn made oath as follows to wit that he is one of the subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of Sarah Gallimore formerly of Devonshire Street. . . Middlesex but late of the parish of Trelawny in the island of Jamaica widow deceased hereto annexed. . . Proved at London 13th April 1810 before the worshipful Charles Cook Doctor of Laws by the oath of James Virgo Dunn Esquire one of the executors to whom administration was granted. . . power reserved to William Groom Esq. the other executor.

Relationships (4)

Widow → Deceased Husband
Mother → Daughter
Mother-in-law → Son-in-law
Mother → Daughter