
Brownlow North Bishop of Winchester

1741 - 1820


'Old Corruption' churchman, Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry, and then Bishop of Winchester. Married Henrietta Maria Banister or Bannister, co-heir of John Banister of Cavendish Square (q.v.), a London West India merchant and mortgagee of enslaved people. Banister left the £11,000 mortgage he held from William Byam in Antigua to the trustees under the marriage settlement of 'my dau. North' to be made up to £15,000, and then to pay his [Banister's] wife £400 p.a. and the residue 'for the children of my said dau.' Brownlow North was party to an indenture in 1787 for a further mortgage under John Banister's will, over James Nibbs' Dickinson's Bay estate.

  1. His ODNB entry says that Brownlow North married 'the daughter and coheir of John Bannister, a West India merchant, on 17 January 1771; she acquired a reputation in society for her extravagance and gambling.'


  1. Nigel Aston, ‘North, Brownlow (1741–1820)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Jan 2008 [http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/20292, accessed 18 April 2016]

Further Information

Henrietta Maria Bannister
Wealth at death
Oxford DNB Entry

Relationships (3)

Son-in-law → Father-in-law
Uncle → Nephew
Brother-in-law → Sister-in-law