
Lucas Garvey

???? - 25th Nov 1814


Slave-owner on St Kitts whose estate - unnamed in his will when he instructed it be sold by his trustees - was Garvey's.

  1. Administration of the will of Lucas Garvey of St Kitts afterwards of Norfolk Street, Strand, then of the Adelphi Strand but late of St Marylebone who died 25/11/1814 left unadministered by Benjamin Amory (one of the executors) and Maria Bellindon Hunt the niece (one of the residuary legatees) was granted 02/07/1877 to James George Hunt of Sandymount Dublin, son of Maria Bellindon Hunt, effects under £20. Former grants September 1815, January 1820 (cessate) and March 1825. In the will itself he had made provision for several natural children on St Kitts, and left the proceeds of the sale of his estate for his two nieces, the daughters of his late sister Ann Baroness Pfeilitzer.

  2. Apparently the son of Lucas Garvey and Ann Ruth Mauduit, born in St Kitts, 1769. This Lucas Garvey senior was very likely the son and heir named in the will of William Garvey (written 1775, proved 1780).

  3. Ann Mauduit, only daughter of the late Lucas Garvey Esquire of the island of St Kitts married Frederick James Badham, wool merchant, in Bristol 22/03/1831. Her "Memorandum" contains her own life story and is held in the Papers of the Bristol Moravian Church collection at the University of Bristol.


  1. National Probate Calendar 1877.

  2. Online family trees such as [accessed 26/05/2020].

  3. Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette 31/03/1831; University of Bristol Special Collections GB 3 DM 451; Shane Badham, 'The story of Ann Mauduit Garvey', [accessed 26/05/2020].

We are grateful to Lloyd de Vere Hunt for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information


PROB 11/1573/120 - precis.

Lucas Garvey of the Island of St Christophers Esquire.

Executors to be Jedediah Kerie formerly of St Christophers but now of the City of Bath Esquire and Benjamin Amory of the said Island Esquire.

To my executors £100 each.

To my cousin Mr Charles Dinham £500 sterling.

To Margaret Dinham, daughter of the said Charles Dinham, £500 at age 21 with interest at 5% p.a to be paid to her maintenance and education in the meantime.

To a free mulatto boy called Anthony John Garvey, reputed to be the son of my late dear brother Captain John Garvey deceased of His Majesty's third regiment [of foot] or [The] Buffs, £1,000 at age 21, the interest of 5% p.a. to be paid by my executors to his maintenance in the meantime. When he shall arrive at a proper age, he to be bound an apprentice to some useful trade and my executors to pay the apprentice fee out of his £1,000.

To an infant child now residing with me named Ann Mauduit Garvey, born of Elizabeth Flaharty who now lives with me, which child is reputed to be mine, £4,000 at age 21 with interest of 5% p.a. in the meantime to be applied by my executors as sufficient for her maintenance and education.

To the said mulatto woman named Elizabeth Flaharty, £500 for her own use. Also to her all my household furniture of every description, books, plate (except plate which I brought out on my last return from England), china and linen and a negro girl slave formerly called Frankey for her own sole use and benefit. Also to her another negro girl slave called Bessey in trust for the said infant child called Ann Mauduit Garvey. Also to Elizabeth Flaharty an annuity of £150 per annum for life.

To a free black woman called Fanny Vanloo[?] £100.

To the mulatto children called Elizabeth and Maria, both born of Fanny Vanloo, annuities of £66 current money [note all previous sums in sterling] per annum for life, payable monthly to or for them respectively.

My plantation in the island of St Christophers and all my other lands and real estate whatsoever and wheresoever and all my personal estate (except that bequeathed elsewhere) to Jedediah Kerie and Benjamin Amory in trust, they to sell my real and personal estate at the best price and to invest the monies arising therefrom and all the monies which I shall have or be entitled to at the time of my death after payment of debts and the legacies hereinbefore given to be invested in the public stocks of the Bank of England or on such other sufficient securities at interest (except the debt due to my from the late Thomas Smith of the Chapter House Saint Pauls as hereinafter mentioned). The interest to be paid from time to time for the liberal maintenance and education of my two nieces Ann Pfeilitzer and Maria Pfeilitzer, daughters of my late sister Ann Baroness Pfeilitzer until they attain the ages of 21 years and to invest the residue at interest. At the ages of 21 years respectively each to receive the principal sums share and share alike for their own sole use. In default to their lawful issue. Should either die before age 21 years or marriage then her portion to the other. In case of the death of both, then one moity of my estate to my cousin Charles Dinham and the other moiety to the said Ann Mauduit Garvey.

Whatever may be recovered of a debt of £1,000 sterling due to me on the bond of the late Thomas Smith of the Chapter House St Pauls deceased shall be divided one third to Elizabeth Smith his sister for her sole use and benefit and the residue to the widow of the late Thomas Smith for herself and his children equally share and share alike.

Signed 24/11/1812.

Witnesses sworn in St Kitts 06/03/1815.

Proved at London 16/09/1815 by Benjamin Amory.

Marginal notes [unclear]:

17/03/1825 admor. with will annexed of the goods, chattels and credits of Lucas Garvey, formerly of St Christopher afterwards of Norfolk Street in the Strand and late of the parish of St Marylebone, Middlesex, Esquire deceased left unadministered by Benjamin Amory Esquire deceased while living one of the executors and one of the residuary legatees in trust named in the will was granted to Maria Hunt, formerly Pfeilitzer, wife of Charles Hunt, the niece. The other administrator Jedediah Kerie Esquire having heretofore un[?] the probate and execution of the said will be granted in 1820 to Henry Fauntleroy Esquire, lawful attorney of Anne Mauduit (lately in the will written Ann Pfeilitzer, the niece and the other residuary legatee now residing in the island of Tobago) and this having expired by the death of the said Henry Fauntleroy.

Associated Estates (2)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1817 [EA] - 1822 [LA] → Previous owner
- 1814 [EY] → Owner

Relationships (3)

Grandson → Grandfather
Other relatives
Notes →
Charles Hunt married Lucas Garvey's niece and co-heiress Maria...
Uncle → Niece
Notes →
Maria Hunt was co-heiress of her uncle Lucas...