
James Flutter Steevens

???? - 1806


The will of James Flutter Stevens is poorly copied and some parts are not clear. It seems that he left his estate in trust to Margaret James, James Dalhouse and Francis Smith as executors for the benefit of Margaret James for the rest of her natural life. After the death of Margaret James the estate was to be passed to his nephew Francis French, provided he took the surname Flutter Stevens. The request that Margaret James leave a maximum of £2000 to her son Richard Hunt James upon her death would suggest that Richard Hunt James was of mixed race and therefore could not inherit more than £2000 under Jamaican law and that Margaret James was James Flutter Stevens' black or mixed race mistress. However, the baptism of Richard Hunt Innes and George Hunt Innes, born 16/03/1789 and 03/03/1791 took place in St Andrew, Jamaica, 23/08/1791 and the parents names were given as Mr Richard Hunt and Mrs --- Innes.

James Flutter Stevens was buried in St Andrew Holborn, 03/06/1806.


Familysearch.org, Jamaica Church of England Parish Register Transcripts, 1664-1880 [database online]. Ancestry.com, London, England, Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812 [database online].

Further Information


PROB 11/1460/112 Will of James Flutter Steevens - precis.

James Flutter Steevens of the City and Parish of Kingston in the County of Surrey and Island of Jamaica merchant.

Payment of just debts and funeral charges.

To Francis French, Mary Fry formerly Mary French, Hannah French and Elizabeth French the son and daughters of my sister Sarah Stevens late Sarah French of Reading, England, deceased, £1000 each.

To my cousins Thomas Joullen[?] William Joullen and Johnny Joullen of the City of Guildford, Surrey, England, £500 each. In case of the death of any of my said cousins equally share and share alike.

To my sister Mary Knoing[?] wife of Mr Knoing of the Cit of London £500 to her and heir heirs for ever.

To William Eyres, John Austin Eyres and Nicholas Eyres all of Jamaica £500.

To Sarah Lowey and Mary Livingston of Willington in Somerset, England, £500 each.

To my friend James Dalhouse of Middlesex, Jamaica, merchant, £500.

To my Godson Henry Tutz[?] of Kingston, sugar refiner and John Taylor the son of John Taylor of Kingston £250.

And whereas my much esteemed friend Elizabeth Jane Norton deceased nominated me sole executor and trustee in her will and whereas there is now a large sum of money due from her estate in consequence of my having taken upon myself the [?] of the said trust... so I authorise my executrix to liquidate the same in such manner as she shall think proper and not otherwise.

To my executrix hereafter named my slaves named Sinnitta and her two children named Jark[?] and Billy to my executrix who may if she thinks proper to convey the said slaves to the two surviving devisees of the said Elizabeth Jane Norton named Sarah Stephen Norton formerly Sarah Stevens and Juliet Norton.

To my clerk Alexander Watt £100.

To my executrix and executors sixty acres of land in the parish of St Catherine commonly called Wilkens Pen in trust to sell and dispose of the same provided that it is to the advantage of my estate but not otherwise.

My estate and sugar plantations in the parish of St Thomas in the Vale called Harkers Hall together with the slaves, mules, cattle, stock and utensils thereupon and my estate in the parish of St Catherine called [?] Garden together with the slaves thereon and all my stores and houses in the city and parish of Kingston with all my household furniture, plate, china, horses and carriages to my affectionate friend Margaret Innes formerly of the parish of St Thomas in the Vale at present of the city of Kingston, widow and to my friends James Dalhouse of St Catherine merchant and Francis Smith of St Catherine to hold in trust, nevertheless to manage cultivate and carry on the business and to pay off the several legacies...[? for the benefit of Margaret James?]

And whereas Richard Hunt James the son of the said Margaret Innes was some years ago sent by me to England for his eduction and where he still remains and being desirous of making such provision for him as he may deserve now I do direct the said Margaret Innes by her last will and testament to give devise and bequeath our of real and presonal estate such sum or sums of money as she may find him deserving of not exceeding the sum of £2000 immediately after the determination of the natural life of Margaret Innes...

All my estate real, personal and mixed and whatsoever in Jamaica or elsewhere to Francis French and his heirs forever but upon this express condition and not otherwise that he take upon himself the name of James Flutter Stevens but in case of the death of Francis French then I give all my estate to Mary Fry, Hannah French, Elizabeth French and the child or children of Francis French one fourth equally share and share alike.

I appoint Margaret Innes, James Dalhouse and Francis Smith executrix and executors.

Signed 01/04/180[?]. Witnesses John Taylor, Robert Thompson, James Morgan.

Administration granted to James Flutter Stevens late of Kingston but of St Andrew Holborn in the county of Middlesex deceased was granted to Francis Flutter Stevens formerly Francis French, 20/04/1807.

Merchant and planter

Associated Estates (4)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1807 [EA] - 1827 [LA] → Previous owner
1799 [EA] - 1806 [EY] → Owner
1797 [EA] - 1802 [LA] → Executor
1788 [EA] - 1794 [LA] → Executor

Relationships (1)

Uncle → Nephew