
John Scott senior

???? - 1813


Absentee slave-owner in Jamaica and absentee landlord in Ireland. Owner of Clarendon Park in Clarendon, Tower Hill in St Mary, and The Retreat St Thomas-in-the-East, Jamaica.

  1. Adm. pens. (age 18) at TRINITY, Dec. 7, 1779. [Eldest] s. of [the Rev.[sic] John, of [Port Royal], Jamaica (and Lucretia Favell Gregory). B. 1761. School, Eton. Adm. at Lincoln's Inn, Nov. 26, 1779. Resided in Jamaica until 1804. Latterly of Garboldisham Hall, Norfolk. Died Dec. 21, 1813. (Eton Coll. Reg.; Inns of Court.)

  2. Will of John Scott [late of the island of Jamaica but now] of Garboldisham [Hall] Norfolk proved 07/01/1814.


  1. Ancestry.com Cambridge University 911±¬ÁÏÍø, 1261-1900 [database online]

  2. PROB 11/1551/83

Further Information

Elizabeth Favell
John James; George Henry Cussans; Elizabeth

PROB 11/1551/83

John Scott late of the Island of Jamaica but now of Garboldisham Hall in the County of Norfolk Esquire.

First I direct that my funeral be conducted with as little expense as decency will permit.

And whereas I am intitled to the sum of four thousand one hundred and fifty pounds bank three percent annuities now standing in the name of Philip Hampson Esquire and Matthew Harry Scott in the Books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England and to the interest and dividends whereof my wife will be entitled for her life in case she shall survive me by virtue of the trusted declared thereof in and by the settlement executed prior to our marriage vow I do hereby give and bequeath the said bank annuities and the interest and dividends thereof after the deceased of my said wife unto my brothers George Scott and Matthew Henry Scott and my friend Richard Lee of Weymouth Street in the County of Middlesex Esquire their heirs exors admors and assigns in trust for all and every my child and children now living or hereafter to be born to be payable to such of them who living a son or sons shall at the time of my decease have attained or shall afterwards attain the age of twenty one or who being a daughter or daughters shall at the time of my decease have attained that age or been married or who shall afterwards attain that age or marry with the consent of her guardian or guardians or the major part of them for the time being and if but one such child shall live to attained a vested interest as aforesaid then I direct that the whole of the said bank annuities and the interest and dividends thereof subject as aforesaid shall be in trust for such only child...

Also to my brothers George Scott and Matthew Henry Scott and Richard Lee the sum of £5643 12s 6d or such other sum as I am now entitled to in the West India Dock stocks or funds and all such other shares and sums of money as I may be entitled to at the time of my decease... that all these stocks and funds should be held in trust for every child according to the terms given above... but in the meantime these West India stocks should furnish £200 per annum for the maintenance of my son John James Scott until he reaches the age of 21 and £150 per annum for my son George Harry Cussans Scott, £150 per annum for my daughter Elizabeth, until they reach the age of 21... the surplus interest and dividends annually to my wife for her benefit....

To my wife £1000 sterling. To my brothers George Scott and Matthew Harry Scott £100 each. To Mrs Matthew Scott and Lauretia Pinnock the sisters of my wife £20. To each of my godchildren the children of my said brothers £50. To my friends Robert Shawe of New Bridge Street London Esquire and Richard Lee as a testimony of my esteem and regard for them 20 guineas each. To Jepaffost[?] Surgeon £50...

I do hereby charge and make liable all and every my plantations and estates comprized in the term of 500 years hereafter created with the payment thereof in consideration and discharge of my personal estate and I give and bequeath unto Jane Anderson, my late housekeeper in Jamaica during her life an annuity of £40 currency of Jamaica... and unto her reputed daughters Havell [Favell?] Scott and Eleanor Scott and her children George Henry and Jerry Scott all of whom were born upon my plantation called the Retreat Estate in the said Island of Jamaica and unto Margaret Sharpe and Fanny Sharpe the two reputed daughters of Mary Sharp who were born at Clarendon Park in the said Island of Jamaica an annuity of £30 currency each during their respective lives...

I do further order and direct that a Sambo woman named Nanny now residing at Clarendon Park aforesaid and her two children of whom I am the reputed father and who were born previous to the year 1805 be immediately after my decease manumitted and made free and that £50 currency be thereupon paid to the said Sambo woman and £25 currency to each of her said children...

I give and bequeath my estates situate at Ballingarry [apparently given as Ballingtory] in the County of Tipperary in Ireland to my said brothers George Scott and Matthew Henry Scott and Richard Lee their heris exors admors and assins for all my estate and interest therein in trust for my son John James Scott his heirs exors admors and assigns. But in case he shall depart this life under the age of 21 years and without legitimate heirs then upon trust for my second son George Henry Cussans Scott his heirs etc and in case of his death in like manner then upon trust for such other son as may hereafter be born, or otherwise to the eldest son of my brother George Scott...

All my Jamaican property, land, slaves and all else there in trust to George Scott, Matthew Henry Scott and Richard Lee their heirs and assigns for the term of 500 years to the use of my son John James Scott and his legitimate male heirs, in default to my son George Henry Cussans and his legitimate heirs and in default to every other of my sons who shall be born in my lifetime or in due time after my decease in priority of age, and in default to the male heirs of my brothers as tenants in common...

Out of the proceeds of the Jamaican estates, several payments and legacies: Payment of my just debts, funeral and testamenary expenses. To my wife £800 per annum as given in her marriage settlement. To pay for the education and maintenance of my children in their minorities, such sums as my trustees shall think fit. The residual rents and profits of the Jamaican property to be invested in goverment funds or real annuities at interest in Great Britain and for one moity of the subsequent interests and dividends to be in trust for my son John James Scott and one moity to be in trust for George Henry Cussans Scott and my daughter Elizabeth and every other child or children born subsequently to me.... To my son George Henry Cussans Scott the sum of £9000 made from his moity of the shares of the interest of the above trust... likewise to my daughter Elizabeth £6000 and the same to any subsequent children...

My wife and trustees to be guardians of my children in their minorities...

Signed 24/05/1811.

Proved in London 07/01/1814. Sworn by Matthew Henry Scott the brother and Elizabeth Favel Scott the widow.

Trinity College, Cambridge [Admitted 1779; graduated? ]
Legal Education
Lincoln's Inn [Admitted 1779 ]

Associated Estates (4)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1807 [EA] - 1811 [LA] → Owner
1817 [EA] - 1823 [LA] → Previous owner
1809 [EA] - 1811 [LA] → Owner
1800 [EA] - 1801 [LA] → Owner

Relationships (9)

Son-in-law → Father-in-law
Father → Son
Father → Daughter
Husband → Wife
Father → Son
Son → Father
Father → Natural Daughter
Notes →
Inferred by...

Addresses (2)

Ballingarry, Co. Tipperary, Ireland
Garboldisham Hall, Garboldisham, Norfolk, East Anglia, England