
James Virgo Dunn

19th Jan 1760 - 29th Oct 1820


  1. Will of James Virgo Dunn formerly of the parish of Trelawny in the island of Jamaica but now of No.10 Devonshire Street proved 23/11/1820. The will identifies his wife Elizabeth Dunn as formerly Elizabeth Simpson daughter of John Simpson late of Bounty Hall estate in Trelawny. He left specific enslaved people (Augusta with her three children Polly, Luna and Cynthia; Caroline and her child Sarah; Eliza with her child Lucy; and Lucy; 'and their present and future issue') to his wife, as well as for her life his moiety of the estate called Chester, which then was to pass to his nephew George Brooks, only son of his sister Elizabeth Brooks of Burnt Ground St Elizabeth.


  1. PROB 11/1636/282.

Further Information

Elizabeth Simpson

Transcribed at .

This is the last will and testament of me James Virgo Dunn formerly of the parish of Trelawny in the island of Jamaica but now of No. 10 Devonshire St Portland Place London Esquire First I direct that all my just debts funeral expenses and the charges of the probate of this my Will shall be paid with all convenient speed after my decease out of the rents and profits and produce of my real estate in exoneration of my personal estate I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Elizabeth Dunn formerly Elizabeth Simpson daughter of John Simpson late Bounty Hall Estate in the parish of Trelawny and Island of Jamaica ---ecreased(?) all such stock as shall be standing in my name at the time of my decease in the books of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England either in the 3% consolidated government annuities or in the secured bank annuities and all such other sum and sums of money as I shall be possessed of at the time of my decease and all debts that may be due and owing to me together also with the lease of any dwelling house I may die possessed of and all and singular my plate linen and glass and household goods books furniture casks wine liquors watches trinkets wearing apparel horses carriages and harness and personal estate of every sort and kind And I also give to her all the produce of my estates in Jamaica both sugar and rum as shall not be sold or shall not be shipped from the said Island or shall be on shipboard or in harbour or on the seas on its passage at the time of my decease and I also give devise and bequeath all those my female Negro slaves as follows viz: Augusta with her three children Polly Luna and Cynthia, Caroline with her child Sarah, and Eliza with her child Lucy, and Lucy and their present and future issue and increase unto my said wife Elizabeth Dunn her heirs and assigns forever And I give and devise all that moiety of a certain plantation or estate called Chester Estate together with the Negro grounds and lands the name of Browns Mountain both situate in the parish of Trelawny in the said Island of Jamaica together with all and singular the lands buildings and hereditaments to the said estate belonging or appertaining and all the Negro and other slaves upon and belonging to the said plantation and issue offspring and increase of the females of the said slaves and all houses buildings cattle plantation utensils tools and implements of planting and all other the live and dead stock upon or belonging to the said plantation and lands And also all that parcel of land patented in my name for 300 acres situate in the parish of Westmoreland adjoining the estate called Burnt Savanna Estate in the Island of Jamaica unto and to the use of my said wife Elizabeth Dunn and her assigns for the term of her natural life and from and immediately after the decease of my said wife Elizabeth Dunn then I gave and devise the same plantation lands slave cattle stock and premises unto the use of my nephew George Brooks only son of my sister Elizabeth Brooks of Burnt Ground in the parish of St. Elizabeth widow and the issue male of his Family lawfully begotten and in default of such issue then I gave and devise the same unto and to the use of the first sons and heirs and all and every of his son and sons of my sister Sarah Spence wife of Patrick Spence of the parish of Westmoreland in the said Island of Jamaica Esquire severally successively and in remainder one after another in order and course as every of them shall be in seniority of birth and of the several and respective heirs male of the body and bodies of all and every son and sons. . . and in default of such issue unto and to the use of the first second and all and every other the son and sons of my sister Patty Virgo Anglin late the wife of John Anglin of Orange Grove in the parish of Westmoreland. . . and in default of such issue. . . provided always that it shall and may be lawful to and for my said wife Elizabeth Dunn by her last will and testament or by any codicil or codicils thereto. . . to direct and appoint And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said wife Elizabeth Dunn sole executrix of this my will and at her decease I appoint the said George Brooks or such other person or persons as may at the time be entitled. . . Executor or Executors of this my Last Will hereby revoking all other wills and codicils by me at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I the said James Virgo Dunn the testator . . . have set my hand and seal this 28th day of May 1816. James Virgo Dunn Signed sealed published and declared by the said James Virgo Dunn Testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Robert Shawe William Box
E Atkinson Clerk to Messrs Shawe le Blanc & Shaw

Appeared personally Edward Atkinson clerk to William LeBlanc of New Bridge Street London Esquire who being sworn on the holy evangelists made oath that as one of this subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of James Virgo Dunn formerly of Great Bridge Romsey in the County of Southampton but late of Montague Square in the County of Middlesex Esquire deceased hereto annexed. . . dated 14th day of November 1820 Proved at London 23 November 1820. . . by the oath of Elizabeth Dunn widow the Relict the Executrix life to whom administration granted being first sworn duly to administer.

Associated Claims (2)

£638 10s 0d
Previous owner (not making a claim)
£1,169 1s 1d
Previous owner (not making a claim)

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1785 [EA] - 29/10/1820 [ED] → Joint owner

Legacies Summary

Physical (1)

Tomb or Grave
Graves of James Virgo Dunn and Elizabeth Dunn [Built] 
description →
The tomb of James Virgo Dunn and his wife is in the churchyard of All Saints, Leamington where James Virgo Dunn died in 1820, and where Elizabeth as buried in 1839. Two adjacent tombs stand over a...

Relationships (8)

Deceased Husband → Widow
Brother-in-law → Sister-in-law
Uncle → Nephew
Notes →
James Virgo Dunn left George Brooks a moiety in Chester estate subject to the life interest of his widow Elizabeth Dunn [Caribbeana Vol. III p....
Son → Father
Son-in-law → Father-in-law
Nephew → Aunt
Nephew → Uncle

Addresses (1)

10 Devonshire Street, Portland Place, London, Middlesex, London, England