
Quintin Hogg

1845 - 1903

Subsequent business partner of a claimant or beneficiary


Hogg was the brother-in-law of Charles McGarel (although of a different generation), McGarel having married Mary Rosina Hogg in 1856 at  the age of c. 68. In 1863 Hogg joined Messrs Thompson at 24 Mincing Lane; later he joined Bosanquet Curtis, in which McGarel was a partner.

Quintin Hogg's son Douglas Hogg was first Viscount Hailsham Lord Chancellor; his grandson was Quintin McGarel Hogg (1907-2001), second Viscount Hailsham (a title he renounced in 1963) and (from 1970 onwards, as a life peer) Baron Hailsham of Marylebone and Lord Chancellor 1970-1974 and 1979-1987. The Tory MP the Rt Hon Douglas Hogg, son of Baron Hailsham, is Quintin Hogg's great-grandson.

7th son of Sir James Weir Hogg (1790–1876), East India Company chairman and MP and Mary Claudine Swinton, daughter of Samuel Swinton, HEIC Bengal civil service. (Hogg’s eldest brother was James Macnaghten McGarel Hogg, first Baron Magheramorne (1823–1890), civic administrator; 4 other brothers were in Indian government service.)

1863: left Eton: joined Messrs Thompson, tea merchants, in the City of London.

1864-1865: by influence of his brother-in-law Charles McGarel, he entered the firm of Bosanquet, Curtis & Co., sugar merchants. Soon became a senior partner; firm renamed Hogg, Curtis, and Campbell, "and under his direction greatly prospered".

Firm's factories mainly in Demerara, British Guiana, which Hogg frequently visited.

Modernized sugar production in Demerara, gave generously in the colony, and endowed the Coolie Mission.

Also a director and subsequently chairman of the North British and Mercantile Insurance Company, and a director of the San Paolo Coffee Estates, the National Discount Company, the London and Paris Securities Corporation, and the Baker Street and Waterloo Railway. "After 1882 competition from sugar beet from continental protectionist states, subsidized by export bounties, injured the trade, and Hogg's income suffered." But remained very wealthy.

Retired in 1898, but continued other commercial interests until his death.

Philanthropic activities mainly in education (ragged school, 1864-5 to c. 1881) and Christian missionary work in Britain.

Bought the Royal Polytechnic Institution in Regent Street, London in 1882; renamed the Regent Street Polytechnic; became the largest provider of adult education in London. Hogg spent very large sums on it – by 1888, £100,000.

Brother-in-law and protege of Charles M'Garel.


Ethel Hogg, Quintin Hogg 1845-1903 (London, Constable, 1904) pp. 48-49.

G. S. Woods, ‘Hogg, Quintin (1845–1903)’, rev. Roger T. Stearn, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004); online edn, May 2010 [, accessed 13/08/2012].

Further Information

Oxford DNB Entry

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)

Hall McGarel & Co.
West India merchant  

Cultural (1)

Founder member
Regent Street Polytechnic...... 

Imperial (1)

East India Company
notes →
7th son of Sir James Weir Hogg (1790–1876), East India Company chairman and MP and Mary Claudine Swinton, daughter of Samuel Swinton, HEIC Bengal civil service. Became Registrar General of High...

Relationships (2)

Business partners