
UCL Faculty of Laws


Professor Philippe Sands QC quoted in The Observer on Supreme Court ruling on prorogation

23 September 2019

The article discusses the likely verdict in the case against Boris Johnson’s prorogation of parliament, according to expert legal sources.

Philippe Sands

Professor Philippe Sands QC, Professor of Law at , has been quoted in an article published yesterday by The Observer (‘’).

Various legal experts have been quoted in the article, who believe that the court will find against the government when it delivers its verdict on whether Boris Johnson’s decision to suspend parliament was lawful.

Professor Sands QC is quoted: “The dominant feeling among informed observers is that the government is on the ropes and it’s going to lose.” He also highlights the key issue of what solution the court would suggest if it did find against the government – which will depend largely on how the court’s decision is framed.

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