
UCL Faculty of Laws


UCL Laws announces 10 month LLM (Master of Laws) for students joining from the 2020/21 academic year

16 December 2019

UCL Laws is delighted to be able to share exciting new changes to the LLM (Master of Laws) for students joining us from the 2020/21 academic year.

LLM Induction 2019

UCL Laws is pleased to announce exciting new changes to the LLM (Master of Laws) for students joining from the 2020/21 academic year.

After wide consultation with our alumni and leading law firms, students who join the LLMfrom the 2020/21 academic year will now undertake a 10 month/42 week programme, concluding in July 2021.

This will allow our students entering the job market to gain a real head start to their career, giving them the opportunity to apply for summer legal internships and wider international opportunities. It will also greatly benefit our students who are already experienced legal practitioners to return to their employment sooner with the greater knowledge and understanding they have acquired.

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In response to the employment market need for high specialisation, to student feedback and our intention to move towards a pedagogy of narrow and deep analysis most suited to postgraduate legal education, we will now be requiring students to study three taught modules of 45 credits each (or a combination of 45-credit modules and 22.5 credit half modules). This will allow our students the opportunity for greater depth of study in their chosen areas. The length of the Research Essay/dissertation will also change from 60 credits to 45 credits.

Olga Thomas,Faculty Director of Education and UCL Laws Vice Dean (Education) said: “UCL Laws isleading the way in reforming our LLM to ensure our students receive the very best legal education that prepares them for their future careers.

We look forward to welcoming applications from prospective students from across the world for the 2020/21 academic year, and we hope to see many of you at 911 Laws open days and virtual online events in the coming months.”

Find out more about the LLM programme and apply now

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