
UCL Centre for Languages & International Education (CLIE)


Italian Level 3

Prerequisite for entry

Successful completion of Italian Syllabus 2+

Students will be familiar with these grammar and linguistic structures.

Term duration

10 x 2-hour classes.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the course is to enable students to:

  • Develop the four skills (speaking, understanding, reading and writing) to an intermediate level;
  • Communicate in Italian in most common situations. Cultural awareness will be developed;
  • Develop of accuracy in grammar structures and communication.


  • Talking about jobs/careers
  • Writing your CV
  • Writing a formal letter
  • Working environment: men/women
  • Looking for accommodation
  • Express opinions: penso che+ congiuntivo…
  • Express agreement/disagreement

Course content

Main topics/themes to be covered:

  • Jobs/careers/CVs/Job’s interview/Letters
  • Italians at work / Italians abroad
  • House and accommodation
  • Meeting people

Linguistic structures/ Phonetics

Basic rules of the pronunciation of spoken Italian.


  • Revision: contrasted use of past tenses (passato prossimo e imperfetto)
  • Future tense
  • Pronoun NE and revision of direct and indirect pronouns
  • If clauses (IF + Present Tense/future tense): “se piove non andremo in vacanza”
  • Present subjunctive used after verbs and phrases which express opinion and feelings: “credo che tu abbia ragione”; “Mi dispiace che Maria non possa venire alla festa”
  • Revision of Gerund
  • Comparative “più…che”
  • Stare per + INFINITIVE TENSE

Learning resources

Course Book

  • Espresso 2. Libro dello studente ed esercizi. Chapters 8-10.
  • Handouts provided by the tutor.

Grammar References

  • New Italian grammar in practice. Ean: 9788861824287
  • Nuova grammatica pratica della lingua italiana. Ean: 9788861822474

Please note that the syllabus might vary according to class progress and availability of materials.
Do not hesitate to contact your tutor for further information.