

Information Services Division


Drupal menu guidance

This page will troubleshoot some common issues with the Drupal menu.

We launched a new Drupal menu in April 2019. The previous scheme of displaying parent pages, sibling pages (pages at the same level) and children pages (sub-pages) in one long list on the left menu created confusion and very poor usability. The menu view on mobile was especially problematic.

The new menu displays children pages at the top level with any related sub-pages underneath. On mobile, a breadcrumb trail now appears below the corporate masthead. 

Known issues

We are aware that there are some issues with the new menu regarding inconsistent links on homepages and pages where there are no further children pages (sub-pages). We are investigating these issues and will provide an update once these have been resolved

Menu not displaying correctly

If you find that the menu is still not displaying correctly, try refreshing your browser as follows:

  • Firefox / Chrome: Windows: Ctrl + F5; Mac: Command + Shift + R
  • Edge / Explorer: Ctrl + F5
  • Safari: Command + Shift + E

Menu is not appearing on the left

If your menu is not appearing on the left, then the page needs to be added in a menu. We recommend that all pages should be put in a menu, however, you can choose not to show the menu on landing pages if you wish.