

UCL Institute of Ophthalmology


The retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)

The retina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are crucial for vision

The RetinaÌý

The retinaÌýisÌýthe light sensitiveÌýregionÌýof the eyeÌýandÌýcan be easily viewed byÌýhealthcare practitionersÌýusingÌýlight connected to a magnifying lens (an ophthalmoscope).ÌýAÌýsnapshot of the retinaÌýcan also be taken using a microscope attached to a camera. ThisÌýso calledÌýfundusÌýimageÌýallows eye doctors to examine the health of the retina and identifyÌýany potential issues that may affect sight.ÌýThe retina is transparent, allowing eye doctors to seeÌýthe blood vessels supplying the retina. The eye is the only part of the body in which blood vessels can be directly viewed. Doctors can also use the fundus image to look at the health of the optic disc and the macular region.Ìý

TheÌýcentral area of the retinaÌýis known as theÌýmacula, (Latin for yellow spot).ÌýWithin theÌýmaculaÌýaÌýspecialisedÌýindentation, called the fovea, contains theÌýgreatest concentration of cone photoreceptor cells, the cellsÌýresponsibleÌýfor detecting colour. This high concentration of cone cellsÌýallows forÌýtheÌýfineÌývision needed to read, drive, watch TV and recognise faces. Next to the macula is a bright spot, the opticÌýdisc.ÌýThe optic disc is the start of the optic nerve, where theÌýelectricalÌývisual signalÌýproduced by the retina isÌýcarried to the brain to form an image. The optic disc creates ourÌý‘blind spot’Ìýas no photoreceptor cells reside here.ÌýÌý

A schematic showing the anatomy of a fundus image.

The retina is composed of 10 distinctÌýlayersÌýcomposed of differentÌýcell types, withÌýspecialisedÌýroles.ÌýLightÌýpassesÌýthrough all the layers of the retina before it reachesÌýtheÌýlayer containing theÌýphotoreceptorÌýcells. The photoreceptor layer of the retina consists of light sensitive cells known as rods and cones. There are around 125 million rods and 7 million cones in our eyes. RodsÌýare neededÌýfor vision in dim light/night timeÌýconditions, whereas cones work best in bright light conditions andÌýareÌýessential for distinguishing between colours and forming a clearÌýaccurate image.ÌýPhotoreceptor cellsÌýare highly specialisedÌýcellsÌýthatÌýabsorb light and, through a cascade of chemical signals, convert it into electrical information needed to visualise an image.ÌýÌý

A schematic showing the anatomy of the retina. Light entering through the pupil at the front of the eye, passing through the retina layers until reaching the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)

The retinal pigment epitheliumÌýÌý

Beneath the photoreceptors is the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The RPE is a single layer of cells tightly joinedÌýso that they form a barrier between the retina and theÌýunderlying choroid. The RPE has crucial functionsÌýthat are needed to keep the retina alive andÌýenable photoreceptor cells to detectÌýlight.ÌýÌý

PhagocytosisÌýof outer segments

In order to work effectively, the light absorbing parts of the photoreceptor cells need to be replaced daily.ÌýThe RPE acts a recycling station forÌýthis waste material, collecting this debris in a process known as phagocytosis,ÌýbeforeÌýrecycling the useful parts, which can then be reused. The RPE cells, ensure that debris does not build up underneath the retina.Ìý

Absorption of stray light

The RPEÌýare pigmented because theyÌýcontain a dark pigmentÌýmoleculeÌýcalled melanin. Melanin absorbsÌýany stray lightÌýthat may interfere withÌýthe visual image.Ìý


The RPEÌýform a barrier between theÌýretinaÌýand the choroid.ÌýThe RPE is a single layer of cells underneath the retina. Individual RPEÌýcellsÌýare tightly joined to their neighbours, producing an effective barrierÌýthatÌýregulatesÌýthe transport ofÌýnutrients, water andÌýmoleculeÌýsolutesÌýbetween the retina and choroid. This barrier also prevents the infiltration of new blood vessels from the choroid. When the RPE barrier is compromised during disease this can lead to choroid neovascularisation (growth of new blood vessels into the retina).Ìý

A schematic showing the retinal pigment epithelium RPE acting as a barrier between the choroidal blood supply and the photoreceptor layer, along with the rest of the retina.

Recycling vision protein

The RPE acts asÌýrecycle station, recovering key proteins from retinal wasteÌýbefore returning them back to theÌýphotoreceptor cells.ÌýÌý


RPE cells are not light-sensitive, but they do help maintain the light sensitive photoreceptors in the retina. WithoutÌýfunctional RPE, the photoreceptor cells become damaged and vision deteriorates. This phenomenon is seen in many diseases including age-related macular degeneration andÌýinheritedÌýforms of blindness, such asÌýbestrophinopathies.