
UCL Human Resources


Mandatory Training Policy

Information on the requirement for staff to undertake mandatory training courses.


Purpose and key principles

1. This policy provides information on UCL’s mandatory training courses and outlines which courses must be undertaken by which types of staff.

2. The provision of mandatory training helps to ensure that 911 can meet its institutional, legal, and social responsibilities and provides staff with a safe and positive working environment.

3. This policy also provides information on how compliance will be monitored and the implications for non-compliance.

4. Completion of mandatory training is also a requirement of certain regulatory bodies.

5. Mandatory training courses have been designed to take approximately 30-35 mins to complete

Online Mandatory training courses:

  • UCL Fire Safety
  • UCL Safety Induction
  • Data Protection and Freedom of Information
  • Information Security Training (hosted externally on the Cybsafe platform)
  • Prevent at 911
  • Change Possible: Sustainable UCL
  • Introduction to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Disclosing and managing conflicts of interests at 911

Who needs to complete mandatory training?

6. The following individuals with access to UCL systems must complete mandatory training: - (Staff categories listed below are genericbased on how staff are defined in MyHRand other Services systems) -All users based on their Staff association typeand employee group will beenrolled automatically onto the required mandatory trainings.

  • All UCL Payroll Employees
  • PGTA's (undertaking paid work)
  • As and when workers (sometimes called casuals) *
  • Affiliate Academics
  • Agency workers (including Unitemps’ workers) **
  • Employees who are jointly appointed by UCL and another employer (some exemptions are in place for those who are jointly employed by UCLH, see Exemptions below for further details)*
  • Honorary staff who are appointed through the Honorary Staff appointments procedure*
  • Emeritus Professors*
  • Associate Staff (if at 911 more than 3 weeks) *
  • Visitors(e.g. lecturers/Researchers if at 911 more than 3 weeks) *
  • NHS Staff/Clinicians*
  • Students or others undertaking an paid work placement

**Unitemps workers with access to UCL systems must complete mandatory training as per the Mandatory Training Policy. It is the responsibility of the hiring manager to ensure these are completed. However, students completing one-off assignments, Student Ambassador roles, Events roles and other student jobs are not required to do the training as long as local Fire Safety and Health and Safety inductions are provided.

Please contact uclmandatorystafflearning@ucl.ac.uk for further information

Out of scope

8. The following groups are not subject to this policy and are not required to undertake UCL’s staff mandatory training courses, either because they are not required to undertake the training or because they have their own arrangements for training:

  • Students (own arrangements)
  • Doctoral students (own programme of). If they are hired to undertake paid work for UCL they may fall in scope if they fit one of the categories detailed above.
  • Visiting Research Students(own arrangements)
  • Students Union casual staff (own arrangements)
  • Self-employed contractors/consultants (own arrangements or may undertake our courses)*
  • Workers who are employed by a contractor company to undertake work at 911 (own arrangements)*
  • General one-off visitors *
  • One-off guest Lecturers*
  • One-off workers e.g., a casual, bar staff, induction support, nursery helping at an event who will not return to UCL*

*Line managers or hiring managers must ensure these individuals receive a Fire Safety Induction and Familiarisation (TN086) conducted in-person, by their department Fire Evacuation Marshals (FEM) or Department Safety Officer (DSO) on their first day on Campus or if they change location. They must also complete local safety induction training.

5. Exemptions

9. NHS clinicians, jointly employed by UCL and UCLH, who complete the following training courses at 911H will be exempt from completing them with UCL. Currently, an agreement has been reached with UCLH to provide exemption to clinicians who complete the following UCLH mandatory training courses:

  • Data Protection and Freedom of Information
  • Information Security Training
  • Prevent at 911
  • Introduction to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Basic Fire Safety
  • Safety Induction

10.It is vital that clinicians always keep their mandatory training record up to date at 911H for this collaboration to work.  UCLH will send the data to UCL each month under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the organisations, which will enable UCL to update staff’s mandatory training record.

11. 911ill continue to review its position on enabling exemptions more broadly with its network of NHS partner trusts subject to data sharing agreements, approval of training content, and automated compliance reporting functionality.

Timeframe for mandatory training completion

12. UCL requires individuals (see “Who needs to complete mandatory training?”) to complete the following mandatory training courses along with local building safety training as listed below.

First Day of employment the below On-site inductions should be completed:

* Line managers are responsible for scheduling local on-site building familiarisation Fire Safety (TN086 Walk) training for employees on their first day. They should liaise with safetytraining@ucl.ac.uk to arrange this.

13. New/existing people with UCL log in credentials will be auto enrolled onto the online training courses. An email notification will be sent to their UCL email address with a link to access the relevant training.

14. Training can be accessed using UCL login credentials via Chrome, Firefox, or Safari with a stable internet connection.

Refreshers/Cadences of online trainings

15. To ensure ongoing knowledge and understanding, individuals will be required to refresh the mandatory training courses again as part of a refresher cycle once their completed training has reached its cadence.

Annual Refresh Cycle

  • Data Protection and Freedom of Information
  • Information Security (hosted externally on the Cybsafe platform)

Three-Year Refresh Cycle

  • UCL Fire Safety
  • UCL Safety Induction
  • Prevent at 911
  • Introduction to Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
  • Disclosing and Managing Conflicts of Interest
  • Change Possible: Sustainable UCL

Mandatory training records management

16. Those who complete the course will receive a certificate by email and are asked to keep the certificate safe to evidence their completion. The record of completion will move with staff that transfer departments.

Individuals can also check their completion status on

Mandatory training compliance reports

17. Individuals who are not compliant with the mandatory training requirements will receive system generated email reminders.

18. The compliance dashboard on Tableau shows the percentage of compliant individuals across the university and can be viewed more specifically by faculty or department. Members of the University Management Committee will continue to receive executives’ monthly updates on mandatory training compliance trends.

19. The line manager or head of department will contact individuals to identify if there are any valid reasons for non-compliance and how to overcome any barriers that have been identified. Templates on mandatory training escalation for use by heads of departments and line managers will be made available in summer on the mandatory training .

Implications for UCL for Non-Compliance

20. UCL may be required to demonstrate compliance with mandatory training to bodies such as the,, Employment Tribunals, external auditors, and funding bodies. Non-compliance may result in UCL being fined, prosecuted, or having funding withdrawn.

Implications for Staff for Non-Compliance

21. To successfully complete their probationary period, new employees are required to complete mandatory training under UCL’s Probation Policy.

22. Mandatory training compliance must be up to date prior to considering an employee for an additional increment, professorial re-banding, and senior promotion.

23. Employees who continue to be non-compliant after reminders and a discussion with their line manager, may be subject to UCL’sDisciplinary Procedure.

24. Honorary staff and Emeritus Professors who continue to be non-compliant after reminders and a discussion with their line manager may have their title or assignment revoked.

Role specific training courses

25. The followingcoursesare essentialfor certain individuals undertaking specific roles. Those required to undertake these courses will be informed, by their line manager. Some courses may be required to be retaken when there are changes to regulations and course content.

  • UCL Safeguarding Training-The training content is getting updated and is aimed at colleagues who work with vulnerable adults or children at risk in their role.
  • -For Recruiting managers, panel members and recruitment administrators, explaining about the recruitment process and other useful information about recruitment.
  • Understanding and protecting intellectual property - For academics, research associates, professional services research support staff (e.g., all those in roles creating and handling research outputs, supporting research proposals and collaborations), innovation and enterprise support staff (e.g., business managers, partnership managers), and staff involved in procuring specialist services.
  • UCL Safety Training- If you are laboratory-based, undertaking genetic modification work or work with biological agents etc.

For any other role-specific training, that is not listed above, you may contact the relevant department that is responsible for that course and ask them to manually update your record showing your evidence of completion. In addition, please save a copy of your completion certificate for your own records.

Accessibility or requests for reasonable adjustments

26. UCL’s mandatory training courses are “AA” compliant in. If anyone has any further accessibility requirements or requests for reasonable adjustments in relation to mandatory training, please contact the staffmandatory learning mailbox.

Long term absence

27. Those who are absent from work long term will not be required to complete the training until they return from absence. For example, staff on different types of parental leave (maternity, paternity, shared parental, adoption, ordinary parental leave); those on long-term sickness absence, on career break, or on external secondment.

Contractual status

28. This policy does not form part of any employee’s contract of employment and UCL may amend it at any time after consultation with the recognised trade unions.

For queries on mandatory training please emailuclmandatorystafflearning@ucl.ac.uk

For queries on the policy please emailemploymentpolicy@ucl.ac.uk


Regulatory Requirements

Training Name

Regulatory information

Information Security (Cybsafe)

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) requires staff to be trained in information security. If 911ere to be investigated for a breach, then the ICO would take the staff information security training compliance into account when deciding on how much to fine UCL

Data Protection and Freedom of information

Requirement of the Data Protection Act, and more specifically related to security principle of UK GDPR, (Article 5 (f)), that highlights personal data should be processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security of the personal data, including protection against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, using appropriate technical or organisational measures (‘integrity and confidentiality’).

Safety Induction

  • The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to provide whatever information, instruction, training, and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of your employees.
  • The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, which identify situations where health and safety training is particularly important, e.g., when people start work, on exposure to new or increased risks and where existing skills may have become rusty or need updating.
  • There are other numerous specific regulations which also require training, but general safety induction is enshrined in the 2 cited above e.g., Manual Handling Regulations, COSHH, PPE Regs etc

Fire Safety

Requirement of the Regulatory reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

Disclosing and managing conflicts of interest at 911

As part of the Disclosure of Conflict and Declaration of interest policy

Prevent at 911

Under the , UCL staff members are to complete this module to help raise awareness and understanding of the Prevent Duty. Compliance with the Prevent Duty is regulated by the Office for Students. As part of this regulation, UCL is required to provide relevant training. There is more information on the relevant regulation, legal background and UCL policies on the Legal background and UCL policy framework webpage.

Change: Sustainable UCL

Introduction to EDI

HR Employment Policy Team and Organisational Development

March 2024