



Research funding for current research students

Sources of funding for research expenses including conference travel and training.

Departmental funding for research activities

Departmental Research Funds

If you are funded by a UCL Graduate Research Scholarship, the AHRC (whether LAHP or CDA), or the Wolfson Foundation, your scholarship comes with an allocation of money for research and training expenses.

If you are self-funded, you can apply to the Department for funds towards research travel, training, study visits, or attending a conference during the academic year. The budget is usually confirmed in November. Following the budget confirmation, the PGR Administrator (Oana Borlea) will put out a call to PGR students to apply for these funds. Applications can be received on a rolling basis until June of the respective academic year. All approved requests must be claimed before July of the same academic year when the fund is rolled over.

The maximum you can apply for in a year is £250 for UK research and £500 for international research. Depending on the volume of applications you may not be allocated the whole amount that you request. 

In cases where another body offers funding for the same activities, you will be expected to apply to them as well. Please let us know in your application about such other applications.

The Hale Bellot Fund

The Hale Bellot Fund has limited funds to enable research students in the Department of History to travel to and in the United States and other countries in the Western hemisphere for study or research. If you are eligible, your Departmental Research Funds application (details above) may draw from this fund, but the above-mentioned caps still apply.

Ancient History Middle East Travel Fund

There is also the option for some students to apply for the Ancient History Middle East Travel Fund. The Ancient Middle East Travel Fund (Ancient Near East Travel Fund) makes available sums of up to £500 to support programmes of travel in the Middle East in order to study aspects of its ancient history. It is funded from an endowment given by Margaret (Peggy) Drower, who taught Near-Eastern History in the Department from 1937-1979: . Priority will be given to students of Ancient History (BA, MA and MPhil/PhD), but History students with a strong record of having taken relevant Ancient History courses will also be favourably considered. Applications should be made in writing to the Head of Department (hod.history@ucl.ac.uk) and should include a statement (max. 500 words) of the intended programme and provisional costs.The deadline will be confirmed at a later date, but is usually towards the end of March each year. Applicants will be notified soon thereafter. Successful applicants will be expected to submit a report (which may be in the form of a blog or audio-visual diary), when they return. 

Further sources of research funding

  • Graduate Research Scholarships for cross-disciplinary training (one year)
  • JFIGS: information on funding for interdisciplinary conferences, workshops and seminar series.
  • : The RHS accept applications from graduate research students for conferences (participating in and organising) and trips.