


Dr Samuel Zeitlin

Samuel Garrett Zeitlin is a Lecturer in Modern Intellectual History at University College London.

Sam studies and teaches the history of political thought, the history of international relations, political philosophy, and intellectual history. His work on Francis Bacon examines the themes of war and peace in Bacon’s political philosophy. His work on Carl Schmitt has offered new interpretations of Schmitt on history, law and state theory. Sam’s translation and edition (co-edited with R.A. Berman) of Land and Sea won an award in the "Religion" category at the Independent Publisher Book Awards in 2016.

Before joining the UCL History faculty, he taught courses at University of California-Berkeley, at the University of Chicago, at Queen Mary, University of London, at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität in Erlangen, and at the University of Cambridge, where Sam was a College Lecturer and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge.

Major publications

“Eutopia of Empire: Francis Bacon’s Short View and the Imperial and Colonial Background to the New Atlantis,” Political Research Quarterly 76:2 (June 2023), pp. 1012-1023.

(translator), Raymond Aron, Liberty and Equality (Princeton University Press, 2023).

(with Lars Vinx), Carl Schmitt's Early Legal-Theoretical Writings (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

“Indirection and the Rhetoric of Tyranny: Carl Schmitt’s The Tyranny of Values 1960-1967,” Modern Intellectual History 18:2 (June 2021), pp. 427-450.

“Francis Bacon on Peace and the 1604 Treaty of London,” History of Political Thought 41:3 (2020), pp. 487-504.