

UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering


CALIBER: ClinicAl research using LInked Bespoke studies and Electronic health Records

CALIBER enables researchers to recreate the longitudinal journey of patients (‘from cradle to the grave’) through care pathways to study disease onset and progression.


2 April 2019

Researchers require high resolution, longitudinal data in order to study disease aetiology and prognosis. The majority of datasets usually only provide a snapshot of the patient state at a particular time and offer limited measurements of risk exposures (e.g. smoking status, blood pressure).

Led from the UCL Institute of Health Informatics and the Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, London, CALIBER enables researchers to recreate the longitudinal journey of patients (‘from cradle to the grave’) through care pathways to study disease onset and progression.  

The resource consists of linked data from primary care, coded hospital records on diagnoses and operations, social deprivation information and cause-specific mortality data in England encompassing more than 10 million adults with 400 million person-years of follow-up, disease and risk factor phenotyping algorithms, methods, tools and scripts, specialised infrastructure and training and support. An contains disease and risk factor phenotyping algorithms for the whole scientific community to use.

Our mission is to establish and cultivate collaborations with the aim of widening access to and maximising the impact of, the CALIBER resource. We work alongside academic, National Health Service and commercial partners to facilitate collaboration and use of CALIBER data, from the development of research proposals through to release of data in the CALIBER data safe haven.

For details please email the CALIBER team at contact@caliberresearch.org

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