
UCL Health


Policy levers to improve food provisioning environments: How effective are they?

This project is a literature review of how effective the policy levers are in improving food provisioning environments.

30 October 2019


A range of policy levers exist to help shift consumers towards healthier, more nutritious food options, and away from high-fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) foods when purchasing or otherwise acquiring food from retail outlets.


To understand thepolicy levers that exist to help shift consumers towards healthier, more nutritious food options, and away from high-fat, sugar and salt (HFSS) foods when purchasing or otherwise acquiring food from retail outlets.


In order to identify and better understand the effectiveness of existing levers, we conducted areviewof the academic literature.

The 10 specific levers that we identified include actions that can be taken both inside stores/outlets and through “alternative” forms of food provisioning, and can be classified as applicable to either

  • neighbourhood planning and infrastructure,
  • alternative food provisioning models,
  • inside store/outlet environment, or
  • consumers.

Additionally, evidence suggests four key considerations when implementing these actions:

  • cost/price to consumers is critical;
  • close consideration needs to be given to thecontextin which actions are implemented;
  • a coordinated approach should be taken tocombinenew and existingactions (i.e. they should not be implemented in isolation); and
  • the development and implementation of actions should involve thecollaborationof all relevant stakeholders (especially retail owners/operators and the community).

Authors: Mark Spires, Anna Isaacs, Corinna Hawkes

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The NIHR Policy Research Unit in Healthy Weight is part of the NIHR and hosted by UCL.