
UCL Grand Challenges


Gender-Based Planning for Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces

Examining the implications of gender-based planning in London.

Woman walking at night

2 October 2018


Grant:Grand Challenges Doctoral Students' Small Grants
Year awarded:2018-19
Amount awarded:£1,700


  • Zoe Henderson, Science Technology Engineering and Public Policy
  • Helen Pineo, Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering, The Bartlett/Built Environment

This research looked at the implication of gender-based planning, ensuring that specific problems inpractice were defined and understood. The plan was to use stakeholder mapping to identify and assessexisting services and projects, as well as the positions and priorities of significantstakeholders,analysing the relevant development policies, plans and initiatives.

The primary output was a scoping study for the London Mayor's Office for Policing And Crime (MOPAC).Data was collected initially from a workshop held as part of the Greater London Authorities' NightSafety Summit. Then, building on the outcomes of the Night Safety Summit, we carried out further, in-depth interviews with key participants and stakeholders.The aim of the research was to produce research results that would be impactful to policymakers, andtherefore the research followed a methodology of engaged scholarship and co-creation withpractitioners.

The primary conclusion of the scoping study was that for women and girls to exercise and enjoy their“right to the city;” to make London a safer city for women and girls, “a city of freedoms, opportunitiesand rights for all,” London must simultaneously develop gender expertise and increase women’sleadership in built environment design and decision-making processes.

Image credit: Alamy.

Outputs and Impact