

Institute for Global Health


Ask us too!: Hearing the voices of children and young people (CYP) with disabilities

Ask us too!: Hearing the voices of children and young people (CYP) with disabilities living in poverty in South Asia


Project Summary

This pilot project set out to explore the use of participatoryÌýmethodologies with disabled children living in India and Sri Lanka, inÌýorder to gain their own perspectives about their lives and with aÌýparticular focus on poverty and social exclusion. ÌýIn addition weÌýwanted to pilot a semi structured interview about poverty andÌýsocial inclusion with their parents.Ìý

The pilot studies were carried out in collaboration with local (IndianÌýand Sri Lankan) NGO and university partners with whom we hadÌýpre-existing working relationships, which we wanted to cement, inÌýorder to plan to work with them on the main study subsequently.Ìý

Disabled children in rural and urban India and Sri Lanka were invited to 'children's meetings' to do activities which would encourageÌýthem to talk about their priorities and concerns. 4 meetings in eachÌýcountry were held with between 3-6 children in each group. TheÌýparticipatory methods used included adaptations for children withÌýphysical, learning, hearing and visual difficulties. Children with aÌýrange of difficulties and aged 8-18 were involved, all enjoyed theÌýmeetings and were keen for more of such events to take place. ÌýThey valued having their opinions sought and expressed a range ofÌýinteresting and sometimes surprising views.Ìý

An interview schedule for parents was piloted, particularly focussingÌýon their experiences of having a disabled child, on social inclusion inÌýtheir community, on availability of resources and the financialÌýimpact of their situation. ÌýProject partners were NGOs working inÌýthe disability arena and local university colleagues. NGO staff andÌýpostgraduate students were trained as research assistants and wereÌýinvolved in a range of stages in the research process.Ìý

The pilot project therefore provided a proof of the concept andÌýfeasibility of the study. ÌýFurther fine-tuning and modification of theÌýstudy design, methods and interview schedule will be neededÌýbefore the main study. ÌýThe broad idea is to run a series ofÌýchildren's meetings over some weeks or months, in order to includeÌýmore disabled children, and gain their perspectives in depth on aÌýnumber of aspects of their lives. ÌýThe parents' interview wouldÌýinclude more specific questions about household expenditure inÌýorder to explore their financial and esource situations further.ÌýComparative data would also be collected from nondisabled Ìýchildren and their parents, in order to investigate whether familiesÌýwith a disabled child are, as is often suggested anecdotallyÌýsignificantly poorer than others in their community. ÌýThis wouldÌýcontribute to filling a currently recognised gap in knowledge aboutÌýthe relationship between disability and poverty, particularly in lowÌýincome settings.Ìý

A conference presentation, various lectures to students, a journal article and a book chapter have reported the pilot project, focussing mainly on the methodological issues, as the data collected so far isÌývery preliminary.Ìý2 applications for funding of the main study have been submittedÌýbut have been unsuccessful so far, we preparing for further fundingÌýapplications. Some of the ideas and methodologies have beenÌýincorporated into a larger programme grant about disability withÌýother colleagues at 911±¬ÁÏÍø.