
Global Business School for Health


Student Projects and Industry Mentors

To give our students the opportunity to hone their skills and world-class education we have several exciting projects that students undertake on different programmes at GBSH.

On this page:

The UCL Global Business School for health has several master’s degree programmes focused on developing exceptional students with a passion for making a difference in healthcare through innovative and creative solutions to health grand challenges.

These projects are the signatory of a GBSH education. Theyare capstone experiences for our students after completing numerous intellectually rigorous modules on their programme. They are designed to allow our students to not only reimagine healthcare, but to interact with industry experts across the health ecosystem ensuringtheygraduate with experiences that mirror the world of health.We believe these invaluable experiences will challenge and shape our students' aspirations and future.

Who we're looking for

We envisageour students and the schoolto partner with hospitals, clinics, healthcare consultancies, social care, charities, public health and other organisations focused on improving health outcomes for various populations.

We are looking forpartners in the UK and overseas to share their creative journey of reimagining healthcare and addressing healthcare challenges with our students or offer an opportunity for our students to put their management and leadership talent to work for you. Be a part of our innovative story, gain insights and analysis into your organisation's own challenges andhelp shapethe health leaders of tomorrow.

Next steps

Organisations wishing to partner and run projects with our students should complete the relevant project proposal forms by August 2022 in the case of the MSc's or by January 2023 for the MBA Health.

Project opportunities for collaboration

MBA Health Consultant Project

The UCL MBA Health is a world-class programme offering an immersive experience to build MBA students’ academic rigour and business practical skills. The aim of this specialist MBA in Healthis to educate, skill and inspire managers, clinicians and business specialists who are engaged in the health and healthcare sector. The programme is intended to strengthen the quality of health and healthcare management of public, private and not-for-profit organisations across the world.It will add value to MBA Health students’ previous experiences as well as education through the development of an integrated approach to management and business in the health sector. This programme is designed to give MBA graduates health and healthcare knowledge and experience across the entire programme so that they can develop competencies and attributes of an MBA graduate while attaining the application and contextualisation that is meaningful for health services and improved patient outcomes.

Across the 12 months for full time participants, our MBA Health team willprovide students withindividual and group career coaching, leadership development and networking opportunities alongside support for the two projects they work on during the programme.The two capstone projects are the Global Health Challenge and the Health Consultant Project.MBA students have workshops during each term time where they begin to build their skills and knowledge for undertaking these projects. The Health Consultant project is an individual or small group consultant project in either the public, private or charitable sector working directly with an organisation with the deliverable being a written report agreed with the programme coordinator and organisation that the MBA Health candidate will be undertaking the consultancy assignment as well as presentation. The MBA student will work with the Deputy Director of the MBA Health to determine the best fit for their career ambitions and the partner organisations needs for this project. We are looking for organisations who have strategic and management consultancy needs that can be filled by engaging with our MBA Health candidates.

Email the UCL MBA Health Director, Professor Julie Davies to find out more.

Project NameCall for project mentors open datesProject start date
MBA Health Consultant project1 March 2022 – January 2023May 2023
Professor Julie Davies, UCL MBA Health Director

Julie Davies

"The Health Consultant Project offers a great opportunity for Healthcare companies, NHS trusts and other health related organisations to work with ambition, motivated and talented students to help them reimagine challenges they or their stakeholders face in the health sector. These projects are intended to be of benefit for both the MBA Health student and the organisation. The UCL MBA Health team will be there to support the students and organisation explore the potential of this collaboration."

MSc’s Health/Business Projects Industry Mentors

Master ofDigital Health and Entrepreneurship Project

This cutting-edge programme in digital health that spans across health, business and innovation has been crafted by academics and industry experts. Taught from a global perspective, our Digital Health and Entrepreneurship MSc offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage with our exceptional students seeking to make a differencein the future of healthcare.

Moving beyond reactive medicine, the focus of the healthcare sector and global health economy is changing for the better. Disease prevention, early detection and intervention is widely accepted as being the future of a more proactive approach to medicine. This translates into a significant opportunity for digital health innovations and the start-up world, who will design the lifestyle modification tools and ambitious medical technologies of the future – our students want to be at the forefront of this change.

In this project undertaken by our Digital Health and Entrepreneurship students, the importance of team dynamics and collaboration for design and innovation is emphasized as students work on diverse teams to develop a digital health idea. The students will leverage their learning across the academic year bringing together key aspects of business and management that they have acquired across the programme such as strategy, project management, financing, marketing and leadership. This group project involves conceptualising, undertaking a proof-of-concept, developing an initial business proposal, preparing an outline business case followed bya detailed business case on an approved project. Students then pitch/present their ideas as part of the learning on this capstone module.

Throughout this projectworkedon across the year, students will requirean industry mentor – ideally a start-up, company or individual who understands the digital health space thatcan give some time to mentor and advise the students once a term as they take their idea forward.

Email the Digital Health and Entrepreneurship MSc Programme Lead, Dr Adam Dubis to find out more.

Project NameCall for project mentors open datesProject start date
Business Project for Digital Health and Entrepreneurship1 March 2022 – August 2022October 2022
Dr. Adam Dubis, Programme Lead for Digital Health and Entrepreneurship MSc

Adam Dubis

“The digital health space needs individuals who can get their ideas from concept to market. Working with our students is an opportunity to get a fresh perspective both on what the market needs, but how to take it forward. Companies and organisations who work with our talented and determined digital health innovators will be richer for giving the time.”

Master of Global Healthcare Management Project

The MSc Global Healthcare Managementequips exceptional students with a critical foundation in the theories, principles and practices of healthcare management enabling them to make a tangible real-world impact. Providing future healthcare managers and leaders with key knowledge to succeed in the sector, just some of the topics covered on this programme include global differences and interconnections, quality improvement, patient safety and workforce management.

The group business project ensures problem solving and innovation in the healthcare context. It brings students together in interdisciplinary teams to come up with and plan for a healthcare improvement that makes a difference to patientoutcomes. The programme utilises thenovel approach of allowing students to get a specialisation as well as core healthcare management learning on this programme - students get tospecialisein either analytics, finance or leadership. As a result, our Global Healthcare Management MSc students are versatile, enterprising and strategic healthcare management experts.

In their project, our Global Healthcare Management students come to realise the importance of having an interdisciplinary team for addressing healthcare management challenges. The students will leverage their learning across the academic year bringing together key aspects of industrydynamics and management that they acquire across the programme such as strategy, project management, financing, marketing, human resource management and leadership. This group project involves conceptualising, developing an initial business proposal, preparing an outline business case and then a detailed business case on an approved project. Students then pitch/present their business plan as part of the learning on this capstone module.

An industry mentor is needed throughout this project that students work on across the year. The ideal industry mentor for this project isa healthcare management expert or consultant who can give some time to mentor and advise the students once a term as they take their idea forward.

Email the Global Healthcare Management MSc Programme Lead, Dr Jennifer Egbunike, to find out more.

Project NameCall for project mentors open datesProject start date
Business Project for Global Healthcare Management1 March 2022 – August 2022October 2022
Dr Jennifer Egbunike, Programme Lead for the Global Healthcare Management MSc

Jennifer Efbunike

“This experiential learning project which is the capstone to our students learning on this programme is amazing. Having healthcare professionals onboard to advise and feedback on our students ideas adds a dimension to the project that is invaluable.”

Master of Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management Project

Our Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management MSc programme is an opportunity to see our brilliant students become adept at the business side of biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Just some of the highlights of the degree include the hands-on project to analyse and map a drug or biotech product from the trials stage to market concept. Anchored by getting an initial skill base in clinical trials and statistics coupled with pharmacoeconomics, the students on this programme gain a wealth of industry knowledge coupled with the opportunity to innovate and develop skills that meet the current needs in fast-paced and market driven sectors within healthcare.

In this programme's project,students learn the importance of team dynamics, the need forcollaboration between design and innovation andthe knowledge of how to commericalise research ideas in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical space. The students will leverage their learning from across the academic year bringing together key aspects of industry dynamics and managementsuch as strategy, project management, financing, marketing, commericalisation and leadership. This group project involves conceptualising, developing an initial business proposal, preparing an outline business case and then a detailed business case on an approved project. Students then pitch/present their business plan as part of the learning on this capstone module.

An industry mentor is needed throughout this project that students work on across the year. The ideal industry mentor for this project is either an individual, company ora start-up in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry who understands this uniquespace and can give some time to mentor and advise the students once a term as they take their idea forward.

Email the Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management MSc Programme Lead, Dr Radi Haloubto find out more.

Project NameCall for project mentors open datesProject start date
Business Project for Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management1 March 2022 – August 2022October 2022
Dr Radi Haloub, Programme Lead for MSc Biotech and Pharmaceutical Management

Radi Haloud

“The students on this programme come equipped to focus on the product development and strategy side of these critical sectors. It is a privileged to work with such a talented group of students who long to make a difference in healthcare.”