

UCL European Institute


European Parliament Buildings

This strand looked into the architecture of politics in Europe.

Together with Sophia Psarra, Professor of Architecture and Spatial Design at The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, Uta Staiger and Claudia Sternberg edited a book, curated two two-day international conferences and produced a research film drawing on ethnographic interviews with UK and German parliamentarians. 

In addition to our Centre of Excellence Grant, this project was also supported by UCL’s .

Read about our book launch on 5 March 2024

Free, open-access book

Parliament Buildings Cover

Our edited book 'Parliament Buildings: The Architecture of Politics in Europe', published with UCLPress on 30 October 2023

Conference I

Hungarian Parliament

Part I of our conference 'Parliament Buildings: the architecture of power, accountability and democracy in Europe', 12-13 November 2020

Conference II

XML Parliament Buildings Footprints

Part II of our four-day international conference, held on 18-19 February 2021 and continuing and deepening the inquiries of Part I

Our short film 'Inside Parliament: The Architecture of Democracy' (11 min) featuring German and UK parliamentarians

3-minute cut of the longer film exploring how architecture and democracy shape one another 

Presenting speaker lists and information, abstracts, video recordings for our conference

EU logo