



Professor Peter Openshaw



Professor of Experimental Medicine at Imperial College, honorary consultant physician at St Mary's Hospital (ICHT). First clinician President of the British Society for Immunology (2014), European Councilor of the Society for Mucosal Immunology, BRC Theme lead on Infection (ICHT), Francis Crick Institute Satellite (2015), NIHR Senior Clinical Investigator. Chanock Award (2012), for lifetime contribution to RSV research; Croonian lecture (2013) on influenza pandemics.

Served on many national and international committees, including the Department of Health's SAG on Influenza and NERVTAG (New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group).  Member of ISARIC and the EU FP7 PREPARE consortium.

Research Interests

Trained in respiratory medicine and T cell immunology, developing new methods of characterizing T cells (especially intracellular cytokine staining). Specialist in lung immunology, viral lung disease, vaccination and immunopathogenesis.

Worked on extensively on mouse models of respiratory syncytial virus and influenza infection and led a consortium ('MOSAIC') studying immunopathogenesis in hospitalized patients with influenza. Now directs studies of human volunteers experimentally infected with RSV. Has co-authored over 200 scientific manuscripts (h-index 52).

Key publications

Habibi MS, Jozwik A, Makris S, Dunning J, Paras A, DeVincenzo JP, MOSAIC Investigators, de Haan CA, Wrammert J, Openshaw PJ*, Chiu C*; (2015) Impaired Antibody-mediated Protection and Defective IgA B Cell Memory in Experimental Infection of Adults with Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. PMID: 25730467

Schnoeller C, Roux X, Sawant D, Raze D, Olszewska W, Locht C, Openshaw PJ. (2013). Attenuated Bordetella Pertussis Vaccine Protects against RSV Disease via an IL-17-dependent Mechanism. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. PMID: 24261996

Tregoning JS, Wang B, McDonald JU, Yamaguchi Y, Harker JA, Goritzka M, Johansson C, Bukreyev A, Collins PL and Openshaw PJ (2013) Neonatal antibody responses are attenuated by interferon gamma produced by NK and T cells during RSV infection. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 110:5576-81

Loebbermann J, Thornton H, Johansson C and Openshaw PJ. (2013) Defective immune­regulation in vaccine-augmented viral lung disease restored by selective chemoattraction of regulatory T cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 110:2987-2992

Chiu C, Openshaw PJ. (2015) Antiviral B cell and T cell immunity in the lungs. Nat Immunol. 16(1):18-26. doi: 10.1038/ni.3056. PMID: 25521681