
UCL Department of Economics


Associate Professor Beatriz Armendáriz

Beatriz Armendáriz

Associate Professor of Economics

Ǵdz:101, Drayton House
Email: b.armendariz@ucl.ac.uk
Tel:+44 (0)207 6794516

Office hours:Mondays, 12-4pm. Room 101, Drayton House

Biography | Most Relevant Research Activity | Awards Books | Publications


Beatriz Armendáriz is an Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics,University College London. Prior to that, she was a Lecturer in Economics at , and an Associate Professor at the . She is also affiliated to the . Her dissertation on international finance was entirely written at MIT, but she received her PhD in Economics at in Paris.

Most Relevant Research Activity

Beatriz’s research field was initially on international finance. From her 1990 PhD dissertation, she published her first article on international in the Journal of International Economics, "

Shortly after, and thanks to her then student, Lamiya Morshed, Beatriz discovered that international finance and microcredit contracts had a common feature, namely, that both contracts were often agreed by lenders and borrowers without explicit collateral. Her research since has focused on microfinance. Beatriz’s first paper on microfinance was published in the Journal of Development Economics,

This was followed by a series of contributions to the field of microfinance, most notably, her article co-written with Christian Gollier, which appeared in The Economic Journal, and an articleco-written with Jonathan Morduch in the Journal of Economics of Transition,

Beatriz’s research with Jonathan Morduch continued. Their book titled was first published by MIT Press in 2005, just a year before Muhammad Yunus, the founder of microcredit in Bangladesh, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for “creating economic and social development from below”. The Armendáriz – Morduch book was revised, and the second edition of it was published again by MIT Press in 2010.

Armendáriz also co-edited The Handbook of Microfinance with Marc Labie for Word Scientific, and, more recently, she co-authored yet another book for MIT Press in 2017, .This book has made Beatriz to reflect on her earlier work on international finance and learn about latest-state-of-the -art topics which are relevant to Latin America and most of the developing world.


  • Savings Banks Academic History Award (2nd Prize) – joint with Aaron Graham.World Savings and Retail Banking Institute. Brussels, Belgium. 2019
  • Brains Back in Brussels. Academic Award & Research Grant.Solvay Brussels School in Economics and Management, Brussels, Belgium. 2009.
  • Fighting Poverty. Academic Award in Philosophy and Poverty.Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico. 2007.
  • Raúl Bailleres Academic Achievement Award for Academic Achievement. Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de Mexico (ITAM), Mexico, D.F., Mexico. 2006.


ThLe Economics of Contemporary Latin America

(with Felipe Larraín B.), Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2017

The Handbook of Microfinance

(with Marc Labie)Singapore- London: Scientific Word Publishing. 2011

The Economics of Microfinance

, 2nd Edition (with Jonathan Morduch), 2010, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 2010. (Translated into and Chinese)


  • 2020 (joint with Aaron Graham), award winning publication by the World Savings Bank Institute, August
  • 2014 (with Estefano Battaggia)
  • 2011 (with Ariane Szafarz) in Beatriz Armendáriz and Marc Labie, eds., The Handbook of Microfinance. London-Singapore: Scientific Word Publishing.
  • 2011 in Beatriz Armendáriz and Marc Labie, eds., The Handbook of Microfinance. London-Singapore: Scientific Word Publishing.
  • 2009 (joint with Annabel Vanroose), Reflets et perspectives de la vie économique, Tome XLVIII, No 3: pp 7-17.
  • 2008 (joint with Nigel Roome), in Suresh Sundaresan (ed.), Micro-Finance, Investment Trends and Challenges, New York: Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.
  • 2006 in Telos. Edited by C. Wiplosz
  • 2006 (joint with Philippe Aghion) in Banerjee, Abhijit, Roland Benabou, and Dilip Mookerjee, Understanding Poverty, Oxford University Press.
  • 2004 (with Jonathan Morduch) in Charles Goodhart (ed.), Financial Development and Economic Growth: Explaining the Links, London: Macmillan/Palgrave.
  • 2000 (with Christian Gollier), The Economic Journal, Vol. 110, No. 465 (July) : 632 – 643.
  • 2000 (with Jonathan Morduch), The Economics of Transition, Vol. 8, No. 2: 401 – 420.
  • 1999 , Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 60 (November): 401 – 420.
  • 1999, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 58 (February).
  • 1999 (with Patricia Armendáriz), Journal of Development Economics, (September).
  • 1999 (with Francisco Ferreira), in J. Harris, J. Hunter, and C. Lewis (eds.) The New Institutional Economics and Third World Development, New York: Routledge.
  • 1993 (with John Williamson), Princeton University Essays in International Finance, No. 189 (April 1993).
  • 1993, The World Economy (July - August).
  • 1993 , El Trimestre Económico, Vol LX (1), Num. 237 (January – March) & Journal of Development Economics, 1995
  • 1993, Review d’économie politique, 101 (4), (July – August).
  • 1993 , OECD Development Centre Technical Paper No. 52, Paris (February)
  • 1990 , Journal of International Economics, Vol. 28 (February).
  • 1990 , OECD Development Centre Technical Paper No. 39, Paris (April)
  • 1989 Información Comercial Española, Cuadernos Economicos No. 43.
  • 1994 Discussion Paper on “Economic Interactions Between Mexico and the US by Jaime Marquez, published in David Vines and David Currie (eds.) North-South Linkages and International Macroeconomic Policies, CEPR, London.
  • 1993 Book Review. Economic Theory and Sovereign International Debt by Ernst Mohr, Economica (November 1993)