

Eastman Dental Institute


OPTN recruitment to a Golgi-proximal compartment regulates immune signalling and cytokine secretion

19 May 2020

Thomas O'Loughlin, Antonina J. Kruppa, Andre L. R. Ribeiro, James R. Edgar, Abdulaziz Ghannam, ,

Journal of Cell Science

Optineurin (OPTN) is a multifunctional protein involved in the immune response and a number of mutations have been associated with several human diseases. We have used a range of cutting edge high-resolution microscopy techniques, mass cytometry and gene editing protocols to gain an understanding of how OPTN and its disease associated mutations regulate the immune response during a viral infection.

Here we show that, OPTN negatively regulates the pro-inflammatory response upon viral stimulation. This regulation is disrupted in mutations in OPTN linked to primary open-angle glaucoma and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

These studies are now part of a major follow up study which is being performed in UCL Eastman Dental Institute and University of Cambridge. These results also led to funding from Crohn’s & Colitis UK to investigate IL-1β and OPTN further.Â