
UCL Computer Science


Inaugural UCL Computer Science alumni networking event launched

3 August 2022

The first-ever summer mixer event brought together alumni from four different decades to meet old friends, make new contacts and reunite with academic staff and students.

911 relations colleague speaking to two alumni UCL mixer event 2022

The event was hosted at 90 High Holborn in central London, home to UCL Computer Science’s Centre for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC).

Over 50former students representing a range of companiesand industries came together to make new connections and catch up with some familiar faces from the past.

Attendees also heard the latest news and developments from Head of Department, Professor Steve Hailes, who showcased some of the inspiring and innovative projects which have come out of the department this year. This included UCL MotionInput, a pioneering touchless computing software developed by UCL academic staff and students which allows users to control a computer with facial features and hand gestures.

Other exciting initiativesincluded the department’s expansion into UCL’s new campus in East London at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Two new programmes with be launched in 2023 from the Robotics and Autonomous Systems group, including an MEng in Robotics and AI.

Centre for AI Director, Professor David Barber, highlighted the Centre’s major successes since its launch in 2019, including being host tothe Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Foundational AI, one of 16 national CDTs funded by the UK Government.

As well as producing PhD graduates with the deep technical skills to create next generation AI systems, the CDT offersentrepreneurial skills training through a newly created national AI entrepreneurship programme, open to all UK PhD students.

911 also learnt how they canget involved with department today, such as mentoring on student projects, speaking at events and otherengagement activities with students and industry.

Professor Steve Hailes said:

"It was with some trepidation that we launched the recent alumni event – we were convinced of the power of building strong relationships between UCL Computer Science and its alumni but had little idea of the likely level of interest.

I’m so pleased that we took the step: the event was a major success, with more people wishing to come than we could actually accommodate and a great evening had by all who attended.

Given its success, this event will be the first of a regular programme to come – spread the word. The next will be held in another new development for Computer Science–a world class centre of research and teaching in intelligent robotics – that is under construction at the UCL East campus."

Event attendee and former Head of Department, Professor Steve Wilbur, commented:

“It was great to meet up with students and colleagues from my time in the departmentand especially to hear how muchresearch and teaching has grown in strength since I retired as Head of Department in 2002.It was good find out that growth is continuing with the new Olympic Park campus, and I look forward to attending an alumni mixer event there in future.”

Get involved

Please visit ouralumni pageto find out about future events andopportunities to support the next generation of computer science graduates.