

Department of Greek & Latin


Gesine Manuwald

Professor of Latin


Gesine Manuwald

Email Gesine Manuwald

Research interests: Roman drama; Roman epic; Cicero's speeches; reception studies, esp. Neo-LatinÌý

Gesine Manuwald is Professor of Latin and currently Head of Department. Her research interests cover Roman drama, Roman epic, Cicero's speeches and reception studies, especially Neo-Latin literature.

She got in touch with Classics early via family, friends and the curriculum of her secondary school. Having become interested in the subject, she studied Classics and English at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg im Breisgau and spent a happy year as an affiliate student at 911±¬ÁÏÍø. After her first degree, she continued to do a PhD and another qualification (the German "Habilitation") in Freiburg, where she had the opportunity to work as a member of a special research project on Roman tragedy. Subsequently, she enjoyed a generous five-year-research fellowship awarded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, which enabled her to familiarize herself with international academia by several stays abroad and allowed her to focus on a commentary on Cicero's Philippics 3-9.

Gesine joined the Department of Greek and Latin in 2007, where she continues to work on all her main research areas. She has since published several monographs and editions on Roman drama and Cicero's speeches, a co-edited volume on British Neo-Latin poetry, a monograph on the reception of Nero in opera as well as articles on Cicero, Roman drama, Roman epic and Neo-Latin literature.

Gesine is interested in a variety of aspects of and approaches to Latin literature. This is reflected in her teaching, which includes modules on Roman drama, Roman historiography, Roman epic, Cicero, Latin letters, marginal authors and Neo-Latin literature (in the original language and / or in translation). She is happy to supervise students working on a variety of areas of classical Latin and Neo-Latin literature.

In 2014 Gesine became a member of . She is currently President of the (SNLS) and Secretary of the (CUCD)

Larger publications

  • Die Cyzicus-Episode und ihre Funktion in den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus, Göttingen 1999 (Hypomnemata 127)
  • Fabulae praetextae. Spuren einer literarischen Gattung der Römer, München 2001 (Zetemata 108)
  • Pacuvius - summus tragicus poeta. Zum dramatischen Profil seiner Tragödien, München / Leipzig 2003 (BzA 191)
  • Römische Tragödien und Praetexten republikanischer Zeit: 1964-2002, Lustrum, Jahrgang 2001, Band 43, 2004, 11-237
  • Cicero, Philippics 3-9. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Vol. 1: Introduction, Text and Translation, References and Indexes; Vol. 2: Commentary, Berlin / New York 2007 (Texte und Kommentare 30)
  • Cicero. Philippics. Edited and translated by D.R. Shackleton Bailey. Revised by John T. Ramsey and Gesine Manuwald, 2 vol., Cambridge (MA) / London 2009 (Cicero XVa / b; LCL 189 / 507).
  • Roman Drama: A Reader, London 2010
  • Roman Republican Theatre, Cambridge 2011
  • Tragicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (TrRF). Volumen II. Ennius, Göttingen 2012
  • Nero in Opera. Librettos as Transformations of Ancient Sources, Berlin / Boston 2013 (Transformationen der Antike 24)
  • Cicero, London 2015 (Understanding Classics)
  • Valerius Flaccus. Argonautica. Book III, Cambridge 2015 (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
  • Römisches Theater. Von den Anfängen bis zur frühen Kaiserzeit, Tübingen 2016 (UTB 4581)
  • Fragmentary Republican Latin. I. Ennius: Testimonia, Epic Fragments. Edited and translated by Sander M. Goldberg and Gesine Manuwald, Cambridge (MA) / London 2018 (LCL 294) / Fragmentary Republican Latin. II. Ennius: Dramatic Fragments, Minor Works. Edited and translated by Sander M. Goldberg and Gesine Manuwald, Cambridge (MA) / London 2018 (LCL 538)
  • Cicero, Agrarian Speeches. Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary, Oxford 2018
  • Reviving Cicero in Drama. From the Ancient World to the Modern Stage, London / New York 2018
  • Fragmentary Republican Latin. III–V. Oratory. Parts 1–3. Edited and translated, Cambridge (MA) / London 2019 (LCL 540 / 541 / 542)
  • Cicero, Post reditum speeches. Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary, Oxford 2021

Current research projects

Here Gesine talks about a project on she has been involved in:

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