

Department of Greek & Latin


Menander's Dyskolos 2016 Lecture Programme

Ancient Plays for Modern Minds: A Public Engagement Programme

To complement the production of Dyskolos we shall be offering public lectures which aim to illuminate the play and its context and to bring ancient drama to life for a modern generation. This exciting programme features talks by academic experts each evening of the play's performance. All of our speakers have experience in working with schools, and the events will be suitable for students of Classics, Classical Studies, and Drama at all levels, as well as accessible to those without prior experience of Greek drama.

Schedule for 2016

All events are free of charge and open to all. However, space is limited for the talks, and pre-booking is therefore essential. Tickets will be available on a first-come, first-served basis via Eventbrite. Each talk will last approximately 45 minutes, with time for questions at the end.

  • Wednesday 10th February

6.00-7.00pm - Public Talk by Professor Gesine Manuwald (UCL) on Ancient 'New' Comedy
Venue: Roberts Building G06, Sir Ambrose Fleming LT.

  • Thursday 11th February

6.00-7.00pm - Public Talk by Dr Rosa Andújar (UCL): 'Menander: A New Comedy for Athens'
Venue: Roberts Building G08, Sir David Davies LT.
All events will take place in the UCL Bloomsbury campus.

These events are made possible through the generosity of the A. G. Leventis Foundation.