
UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health


Is mentoring for you?

Why be a mentor?

Mentoring should be a very rewarding experience and a chance for you to give back and share your learning with others! It can also help you to widen your own professional networks as you meet colleagues outside of your department and learn about how systems operate in other places.For colleagues earlier in their career, mentoring can be a great first step as management and leadership experience. This can support in your own career development, including being something valued on promotion applications.

Why be a mentee?

People want to be mentored for a variety of reasons. Perhaps you would like some advice about how to find a work/life balance in academia from a more experienced colleague? Maybe you would like to make a career transition – moving roles, applying for a promotion or returning after a career break and want advice from someone who has made a similar change?

All mentees have different goals and a mentor will help you to work towards defined objectives chosen by you. A mentoring relationship can be a supportive environment for you to further your personal development and build confidence, throughreceiving impartial advice and encouragement, constructive feedback and a place to reflect and problem solve, whilst simultaneously building your professional networks.