

UCL Division of Biosciences


Paper from Prof Semir Zeki addresses the necessity of importing neurobiology into mathematics

4 February 2022

In collaboration with Dr. Mikhail Filippov (National University of Singapore), Prof Semir Zeki (UCL CDB) addresses the question of axiomatic statements that are perceived (or known) to be correct but which mathematics, as presently constituted, cannot prove.

image of visual illusions

The concept of mathematical axiomsÌýrefers to statements which the logical system of the brain accepts without proof; these statements constitute the building blocks which allow us to construct mathematical theories. In this paper, publishedÌýin PsyCh Journal, the authorsÌý(Dr. Mikhail Filippov, ) andÌýProf Semir Zeki, UCL CDB) propose the concept of another axiomatic system, and introduce the term perceptual axiomatic system to do so; this is also universally accepted by the human brain and works in parallel, but independently, of the logical system of the brain underlying mathematics.

Article link:ÌýÌýPsych J . 2022 Jan 30. doi: 10.1002/pchj.524

Image:ÌýMuller Lyer Illusion (left), Hering Illusion (centre) and a modified (achromatic) version of Isia Leviant’s Enigma (right)
