

UCL Department of Biochemical Engineering


Hub Academic Feasibility Studies

Academic Feasibility Study funding was awarded to UKRI-eligible academic researchers for projects that complement the Hub’s core research programme and broaden the impact of current work to new areas

Awarded across multiple calls between 2019 and 2022

PartnersProject title

University of Manchester

Department of Chemistry

Site-specific Fluorine-19 labelling of amino acids in proteins during cell-free synthesis, for NMR analysis of protein folding, assembly and aggregation

University of Warwick

Warwick Medical School

Development of case-studies to demonstrate the impact of NICE cost-effectiveness assessment on fair pricing for targeted medicines


Division of Biosciences: Cell & Developmental Biology

Identification of novel universal therapeutic targets for treating multiple types of breast cancer


Cancer Trials Centre

Cancer trials data evaluation

Imperial College London

Department of Life Sciences

An electron microscopy platform to improve manufacture of viral vector-like biotherapeutic delivery systems

University of Kent

School of Biosciences

New to nature natural products for sustainable antibody drug conjugate (ADC) biomanufacturing

University of Warwick

School of Engineering

Identifiability of fundamental models of ATMPs manufacturing


Biochemical Engineering

T cell profilomics: towards simple transcriptomics predictors of expanded t-cell functionality

Strategic Feasibility Studies: Ethics

Awarded from a strategic workshop and themed call in 2021/22 to support exploration of key ethical issues and research questions related to the development, manufacture and implementation of personalised medicines.

PartnersProject title

University of Oxford

Centre for Personalised Medicine, Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics

Environmental impacts associated with the manufacturing of personalised medicines: social and ethical issues

University of Oxford

Ethox Centre, Wellcome Centre for Ethics and Humanities

Scoping Social Biases in AI Driven Precision Medicine Manufacturing

UCL Science Technology Studies

Vienna, Dept of Political Science, Centre for the Study of Contemporary Solidarity

Oxford Law Faculty, HeLEX Centre

Feasibility of novel, relevant ethical legal and social implications (ELSI) research on key ethical issues of personalised medicine: responsible PM


Science, Technology Engineering and Public Policy

Risk assessment of information management tools and digital infrastructures for advanced therapies manufacturing


