
Bentham Project


Articles D-F

  • Dabhoiwala, Faramerz, 'Lust and Liberty', Past and Present, no. 207 (May 2010), 89-179
  • Davie, Neil (2005) "Des 'corps dociles'? Le Panoptique de Jeremy Bentham en théorie et en pratique," in Michel Prum (ed.)L'Un sans l'autre: racisme et eugénisme dans l'aire anglophone(Paris: L'Harmattan) 207-30
  • De Champs, Emmanuelle (2013) ‘“Marcel, the dancing-master”: A Note on the Closing Lines of An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation’, Utilitas, 26:1, pp. 120-123.
  • Deary, Vincent (2005) "Explaining the unexplained? Overcoming the distortions of a dualist understanding of medically unexplained illness,"Journal of Mental Health14: 213-221
  • Delfour, J. J. (2000) "Relire Bentham,"Commentaire23: 459-61
  • Dhali, Abdul Hai (1990) "British Utilitarianism in the Nineteenth Century Bengal,"Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh35.2: 25-35
  • Dimova-Cookson, Maria (2003)Bentham, Mill and Green on the nature of the goodJournal of Bentham Studies 6
  • Dimova-Cookson, Maria (2003)Bentham, Mill and Green on the nature of the goodJournal of Bentham Studies 6 Engelmann, Stephen G. (2003) "'Indirect Legislation': Bentham's liberal government,"Polity, 35
  • Dinwiddy, John (1989) "Adjudication under Bentham's Pannomion,"Utilitas1: 283-289; reprinted in Postema (ed.) (2002) 2: 517-23
  • Dinwiddy, John (1990) "Jeremy Bentham y el mundo Hispanico," inEstudios en Honor del Profesor Alamiro de Avila Martel:Annales de la Universidad de Chile(Santiago de Chile: Universidad de Chile)
  • Dinwiddy, John R. (1989) "Bentham on Invention in Legislation"Enlightenment and Dissent8: 25-42; reprinted in Parekh (ed.) (1993) 3: 803-19
  • Dinwiddy, John R. (1989) "Bentham's Utilitarianism: Modernization in Theory and Practice," in W. Juefei (ed.)The Political, Economic and Social Modernization of Britain(Nanjing)
  • Dobson, Andrew (2008) "Nature (and politics),"Environmental Values17: 285-302
  • Doe, Norman (1990) "Bentham, J. Dinwiddy" (review),Journal of Legal History11: 466-8
  • Dome, Takuo (1999) "Bentham and J. S. Mill on Tax Reform,"Utilitas11: 320-39
  • Draper, Anthony J. (1998) "'To Exclude Some Greater Evil': Distribution of Pain in Bentham's Theory of Punishment," in Andrew Dobson and Jeffrey Stanyer (eds.),Contemporary Political Studies 1998, vol 1 (Nottingham: Political Studies Association of the United Kingdom): 269-278
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2000) "Cesare Beccaria's Influence on English Discussions of Punishment, 1764-1789,"History of European Ideas26: 177-199
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2002) "Jeremy Bentham," in Philip B. Dematteis and Peter S. Fosl (eds.)British Philosophers, 1500-1799, Dictionary of Literary Biography 252 (Detroit: The Gale Group): 37-56
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2002)"An Introduction to Jeremy Bentham's Theory of Punishment,"Journal of Bentham Studies5
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2003) "Jeremy Bentham, procedimiento juridico y utilidad,"Anales de la Catedra Francisco Suarez37: 287-307
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2004) "Corruptions In the Administration of Justice: Bentham's Critique of Civil Procedure, 1806-1811," Journal of Bentham Studies 7
  • Draper, Anthony J. (2009) "Punishment, Proportionality and the Economic Analysis of Crime," Journal of Bentham Studies 11
  • Draper, Tony (2004) "Corruptions In the Administration of Justice: Bentham's Critique of Civil Procedure, 1806-1811," Journal of Bentham Studies 7
  • Dube, Allison (1990) "Hayek on Bentham,"Utilitas2: 71-87
  • Eastwood, David (1994) "Rethinking the Debates on the Poor Law in Early Nineteenth-Century England,"Utilitas6: 97-116
  • Ehrlich, Isaac (1996) "Crime, Punishment and the market for offences,"The Journal of Economic Perspectives10: 43-67
  • Ellerman, D. (2001) "McGregor's Theory Y vs. Bentham's Panopticism: Toward a Critique of the Economic Theory of Agency,"Knowledge, Technology, and Policy14: 34-49
  • Ellis, Anthony (1992) "Utilitarianism and International Ethics," in Terry Nardin and David R. Mapel (eds.)Traditions of International Ethics(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 158-79
  • Engelmann, Stephen (2001) "Imagining Interest,"Utilitas13: 289-322
  • Engelmann, Stephen G. (2003) "'Indirect Legislation': Bentham's liberal government,"Polity, 35
  • Engelmann, Stephen G. (2005) "Posner, Bentham and the Rule of Economy,"Economy and Society34: 32-50
  • Escamilla Castillo, Manuel (1997) "Utilitarismo y liberalismo en la teoría del derecho,"Télos6: 115-40
  • Escamilla Castillo, Manuel (1998) "El Panóptico y la identificacion de intereses: Sobre algunas inexactitudes debidas a Michel Foucault y a Élie Halévy,"Télos7: 57-93
  • Eslamloueyan, Karim (2004) "The Mechanics of Utility and Self-Interest: On Utility Doctrine of Jevons,"Tahghighat e Eghtesadi64: 1-27
  • Esterhammer, Angela (2000) "Of Promises, Contracts and Constitutions: Thomas Reid and Jeremy Bentham on Language as Social Action,"Romanticism: The Journal of Romantic Culture and Criticism6: 55-77
  • Fagiani, F. (1989) "Prudenza, probità e benificenza. Bentham, l'utilitarismo e la tradizione del diritto naturale,"Rivista di filosofia[vol.?] 25-63
  • Fagiani, F. (1989) "Prudenza, probità e benificenza. Bentham, l'utilitarismo e la tradizione del diritto naturale,"Rivista di filosofia80: 25-63
  • Faria, L. L. de (2003) "Jeremy Bentham and Portugal: The Untold Story,"Portuguese Association of Anglo-American Studies: Landscapes of Memory(Paisagens da memoria) 121-134
  • Farmer, Lindsay (2000) "Reconstructing the English Codification Debate: The Criminal Law Commissioners 1833-45,"Law & History Review 18: 397-425
  • Farrell, Martin Diego (1992) "El liberalismo frente a Bentham y Mill,"Télos1: 23-54
  • Feinberg, Joel (2003) "In Defense of Moral Rights," inProblems at the Roots of Law - Essays in Legal and Political Theory(New York: Oxford University Press and Oxford Scholarship Online, Oxford University Press)
  • Feldman, Fred (2004) "Hedonism: A Preliminary Formulation," inPleasure and the Good Life- Concerning the Nature Varieties and Plausibility of Hedonism(New York: Oxford University Press and Oxford Scholarship Online, Oxford University Press)
  • Ferguson, Frances (1995) "Canons, Poetics and Social Value: Jeremy Bentham and How to Do Things with People,"MLN110: 1148-64
  • Ferguson, Frances (2002)"Envy Rising,"ELH69: 889-905
  • Ferguson, Frances (2004)"Coherence and Changes in the Unknown World,"New Literary History35: 303-19
  • Ferguson, Frances (2006) "Beliefs and emotions (from Stanley Fish to Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill)," inVictoria Kahn, Neil Saccamano, & Daniela Coli(eds.)Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press): 231-250
  • Ferguson, Frances (2019) "Not Kant, but Bentham: On Taste", Critical Inquiry 45: 577-600
  • Fernandez-Morera, D. (1998) "Bentham against Empire,"European Legacy3: 100-3
  • Ferraro, Francesco (2013) ‘Adjudication and Expectations: Bentham on the Role of Judges’, Utilitas, 25:2, pp. 140-160.
  • Fitzgerald, Amy and Linda Kalof (2007) "Animals as philosophical and ethical subjects," in Amy Fitzgerald and Linda Kalof (eds.)The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings(Oxford: Berg)
  • Forcehimes, Andrew T. (2015) ‘Expectations and the Limits of Legal Validity’, Utilitas, 27:3, pp. 263-278.
  • Fox, S. (1989) "The Panopticon: From Bentham's Obsession to the Revolution in Management Learning,"Human Relations42: 717-39
  • Francione, Gary L. (1999) "El error de Bentham,"Teorema18: 39-60
  • Frederick Rosen (2006) "Epicureanism and the Enlightenment," in G. McDowell and J. O'Neill (eds.)America and Enlightenment Constitutionalism(New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave)
  • Frederick Rosen (2006) "Utilitarianism and the Reform of the Criminal Law," in M. Goldie and R. Wokler (eds.)The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Political Thought(Cambridge:
  • Frederick Rosen (2007) "The Method of Reform: J.S. Mill's Encounter with Bentham and Coleridge," in N. Urbinati and A. Zakaras (eds.)J.S. Mill's Political Thought: A Bicentennial Reassessment(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press): 124-44
  • Freund, Norman C. (1993) "If It's Tuesday, This Must be Bentham,"Teaching Philosophy16: 315-25
  • Frey, Bruno S. and Alois Stutzer (2001) "Beyond Bentham: Measuring Procedural Utility," CESifo Working Paper No. 492: 1-32
  • Fuller, Catherine (2000)"'Primeiro e Mais Antigo Constitucional da Europa': Bentham's Contact with Portuguese Liberals, 1820-23,"Journal of Bentham Studies 3
  • Fuller, Catherine (2004) "'It is the theatre of great felicity to a number of people' Bentham at Ford Abbey," Journal of Bentham Studies 7
  • Fuller, Catherine (2008)"Bentham, Mill, Grote, andan Analysis of the Influence of Natural Religion on the Temporal Happiness of Mankind," Journal of Bentham Studies 10