
Bentham Project


Articles A-B

  • Aizenshtat, M.P. (2002)"Jeremy Bentham and Russia: N.S. Mordvinov's Utilitarianism,"The Philosophical Age 19: 28-38
  • Alexander, Amanda (2002)"Bentham, Rights and Humanity: A Fight in Three Rounds"Journal of Bentham Studies 6
  • Alvarez-Cuadrado, F. and N. Van Long (2009) "A mixed Bentham-Rawls criterion for intergenerational equity: Theory and implications,"Journal of Environmental Economics and Management58: 154-68
  • Anderson, Elizabeth S. (1991) "John Stuart Mill and Experiments in Living,"Ethics102: 4-26
  • Angelis, Massimo de (2002) "Hayek, Bentham and the Global Work Machine: The Emergence of the Fractal-Panopticon," in Ana C. Dinerstein and Michael Neary (eds.)The labour debate: An investigation into the theory and reality of capitalist work(Aldershot, U.K. and Burlington, Vt: Ashgat): 108-34
  • Angelis, Massimo de (2002) "The Market As Disciplinary Order: A Comparative Analysis of Hayek and Bentham," in Paul Zarembka (ed.)Research in Political Economy, vol. 20 (Amsterdam, London and New York: Elsevier Science, JAI): 293-317
  • Antunes, Teresa (2005) "Push-Pin ou poesia? O Problema da Distincao Qualitativa dos Valores no Utilitarismo,"Philosophica25: 105-18
  • Armitage, David (2002) "The Declaration of Independence and International Law," William and Mary Quarterly59: 39-64
  • Armitage, David (2011) ‘Globalising Jeremy Bentham’, History of Political Thought, 32:1, pp. 63-82.
  • Audard, Catherine (1999) "La tradition utilitariste: Bentham, Mill et Sidgwick," in Alain Renaut (ed.)Histoire de la philosophie politique.Vol. 4. Les critiques de la modernité politique(Paris: Calmann Lévy) 53-101
  • Austenfeld, Thomas (2007) "A happy Naturalist? Jeremy Bentham and the cosmic morality ofThe Octopus,"Studies in American Naturalism2: 33-45
  • Barzun, Charles and Priel, Dan (2015) ‘Jurisprudence and (its) History, Virginia Law Review, 101:4, pp. 849-867.
  • Basabe, Nere (2003) "Jeremy Bentham y las dimensiones internacionalistas del concepto ilustrado de opinion publica,"Historia Contemporánea2: 601-613
  • Baujard, A. (2006)"From moral welfarism to technical non-welfarism: A step back to Bentham's felicific calculus of its members,"Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes 1 & University of Caen)fromCenter for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes 1, University of Caen and CNRS:1-36
  • Baum, T. (2008) "A Quest for Inspiration in the Liberal Peace Paradigm: Back to Bentham?"European Journal of International Relations14: 431-454
  • Bedau, H. A. (1999) "What are the 'Anarchical Fallacies' Jeremy Bentham Discovered in the 1789 French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen?,"SIC SAT7: 39-41
  • Bedau, Hugo (2004) "Bentham's Theory of Punishment: Origin and Content," Journal of Bentham Studies 7
  • Bedau, Hugo Adam (2003) "L'argument d'interférence minimale contre la peine capitale,"Revue philosophique de Louvain101: 138-50
  • Bellet, M. (2009) "On the utilitarian roots of Saint-Simonism: from Bentham to Saint-Simon,"History of Economic Ideas17: 41-64
  • Ben-Dor, Oren (2007) "The institutionalisation of public opinion: Bentham's proposed constitutional role for jury and judges,"Legal Studies27: 216-235
  • Berg, Chris (2017) ‘Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham in the Australian colonies’, History of Economics Review, 68:1, pp. 2-16.
  • Bibliography of Italian Translations of Bentham's Worksfrom 1820 to 2001 compiled by Paola Ruda, University of Bologna.
  • Bingham, Tom (Lord Bingham of Cornhill) (2001) "Mr Bentham is Present,"Current Legal Problems54: 673-89
  • Binmore, Ken (2011) ‘Jeremy Bentham: Ogre of Prophet?’, Journal of Bentham Studies, 13:1, pp. 1-24.
  • Binoche, Bertrand and Jean-Pierre Clero (2008) "Jean-Louis Labussiere: Jeremy Bentham, Bertrand Binoche et le comparatisme philosophique,"Critique64: 904-21
  • Bivins, T. (2016) ‘Crowds, Community and Jeremy Bentham’, Journal of Media Ethics, 31:4, pp. 266-268.
  • Blake, Kathleen (1997) "Bleak House, Political Economy, Victorian Studies,"Victorian Literature and Culture25: 1-21
  • Blamires, Cyprian (2004) "Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop: Etienne Dumont et la France," in Liliane Mottu-Weber et Joëlle Droux (eds.)Genève française 1798-1813(Genève: Société d'histoire et d'archéologie) 261-274
  • Boyne, Roy (2000) "Post-panopticonism,"Economy and Society29: 285-307
  • Bozovic, M. (2004) "Auto-iconicity and its vicissitudes: Bentham and Plato,"Helios31: 223-245
  • Bozovic, Miran (1995) "'An Utterly Dark Spot': The Fiction of God in Bentham's Panopticon,"Qui Parle: Literature, Philosophy, Visual Arts, History8: 83-108
  • Bozovic, Miran (2000)"The Body and Psycho; or, of 'Farther Uses of the Dead to the Living',"Umbr(a): A Journal of the Unconscious1: 81-98
  • Bozzo-Rey, Malik (2009) "Entre analyse linguistique et théorie générale du droit: La Nomographie de Jeremy Bentham,"International Journal for the Semiotics of Law22: 425-36
  • Bozzo-Rey, Malik (2011) ‘Indirect Legislation: it is a question of time’, History of European Ideas, 43:1, pp. 106-121.
  • Bozzo-Rey, Malik (2011) ‘Transparency in Jeremy Bentham: from invisibility on concept to publication’, Toqueville Review, 32:1, pp. 89-111.
  • Bozzo-Rey, Malik, Brunon-Ernst, Anne, Quinn, Michael (eds) (2017) ‘Introduction to Special Issue - Indirect Legislation: Jeremy Bentham’s Regulatory Revolution’, History Of European Ideas, 43:1, pp. 1-10
  • Bradley, Bryan (2005)"Reason's Homelessness: Rationalization in Bentham and Marx,"Theory & Event6
  • Brooks, Thom (2002) "Utilitarianism, Capital Punishment, and Innocent Persons: A Defence of Bentham,"Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science: Special27: 33-59
  • Bruni, Luigino (2004) "The 'Happiness transformation problem' in the Cambridge tradition,"The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought11: 433-451
  • Brunner, José (2006)"Modern Times: Law, Temporality and Happiness in Hobbes, Locke and Bentham,"Vol. 8, Theoretical Inquiries in Law (Online Edition) 1: Article 12.
  • Bruno, Jonathan R. (2017) ‘Vigilance and Confidence: Jeremy Bentham, Publicity, and the Dialectic of Political Trust and Distrust’, American Political Science Review, 111:2, pp. 295-307.
  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2007) “Bentham and Tocqueville on Pauperism”, The Tocqueville Review/ La Revue Tocqueville, 28.2: 129-152
  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2013) “Bentham, Foucault et les normes”, in Gouverner par les standards et les indicateurs, de Hume au ranking, ed. B. Frydman and A. van Waeyenberge, (Bruxelles: Bruylant) 359-384.
  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2014) “Beyond the Genetic Panopticon: The limits of Government Intervention on Citizens’ Bodies”, in Implications philosophiques, 1 -
  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2007) “Bentham and Tocqueville on Pauperism”, The Tocqueville Review/ La Revue Tocqueville, 28.2: 129-152

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2013)“Bentham, Foucault et les normes”, inGouverner par les standards et les indicateurs, de Hume au ranking, ed. B. Frydman and A. van Waeyenberge, (Bruxelles: Bruylant) 359-384

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2014)“Beyond the Genetic Panopticon: The limits of Government Intervention on Citizens’ Bodies”, in Implications philosophiques, 1 -

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2003) "Comment écrire un code: règles syntaxiques et enjeux dans certains écrits de Jeremy Bentham," in Rosalind Greenstein (ed.)Regards linguistiques sur les codes(Paris: L'Harmattan) 51-73

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2010)“Délimiter la branche civile du droit: Bentham et la quête impossible”, in Bentham, juriste. Guillaume Tusseau and Malik Bozzo-Rey eds., Economica (Paris) 177-200

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2017) “The Felicific Calculus: Jeremy Bentham’s Definition of Happiness”, in Welfare, eds. C. Coron and L. Dalingwater (Paris: PSN) 21-36

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2007) "Foucault Revisited," Journal of Bentham Studies 9, 1-14

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2011) (ed.) “Jeremy Bentham’s Theory Today” in The Tocqueville Review/ La Revue Tocqueville. 32.1: 9-166

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2004) "L'abondance frugale: étude des propositions de J. Bentham pour réguler la pauvreté à la fin du XVIIIe siècle," in Gaïd Girard (ed.) Le superflu, chose très nécessaire (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes) 176-194

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2011) “La matrice panoptique dans les formes contemporaines de la surveillance”, in Deux siècles d’utilitarisme. Malik Bozzo-Rey and Emilie Dardenne eds., (Rennes: PUR), 145-156

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2017) “Le droit à l’épreuve du Panoptique”, Sociétés carcérales: Relecture(s) de Surveiller et punir, eds Isabelle Fouchard and Daniele Lorenzini, coll. Institut des Sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne (Paris: Mare et Martin), 123-137.

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2015) “Le gouvernement des normes: Jeremy Bentham et les instruments de régulation post-modernes”, in Archives de philosophie, 78:2 309-322

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2007) “Les métamorphoses panoptiques: de Foucault à Bentham,” Cahiers critiques de philosophie, 4: 60-71

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2005) "Le voyage de Jeremy Bentham en Russie, 1785-1788," Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Anglaises du dix-huitième siècle: 1-10

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2017) “Nudges and limits of appropriate interference: Reading backwards from Mill’s harm principle to Jeremy Bentham’s indirect legislation”, History of European Ideas, 43:1, 53-69

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2014)“Of the Limits of the Civil Branch of Jurisprudence: Background, definitions and limits of Bentham’s discussion on civil law in Limits”, in The Legal Philosophy and Influence of Jeremy Bentham: Essays on 'Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence', ed. G. Tusseau (London: Routledge) 117-128

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2009)“Organiser l’espace de la docilité: le juge et le gouverneur dans les écrits sur la Révolution française et panoptiques,” in Bentham et la France. Fortune et infortunes de l’utilitarisme. Emmanuelle de Champs and Jean-Pierre Cléro eds. (Oxford: SVEC), 53-66

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2002) "Représentations et réinterprétations du Panoptique de Jeremy Bentham: le surveillant est-il au centre de l'édifice? Etude d'un mystérieux personnage dans les dessins du Panoptique,"ARLI2

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2001) "Secret et transparence du langage sur la charité dans Pauper Management Improved de Jeremy Bentham: l'enjeu démocratique," in Rosalind Greenstein (ed.)Regards linguistiques sur le secret(Paris: L'Harmattan) 93-116

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2003) "Comment écrire un code: règles syntaxiques et enjeux dans certains écrits de Jeremy Bentham," in Rosalind Greenstein (ed.) Regards linguistiques sur les codes (Paris: L'Harmattan) 51-73

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2010) “Délimiter la branche civile du droit: Bentham et la quête impossible”, in Bentham, juriste. Guillaume Tusseau and Malik Bozzo-Rey eds., Economica (Paris) 177-200

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2017) “The Felicific Calculus: Jeremy Bentham’s Definition of Happiness”, in Welfare, eds. C. Coron and L. Dalingwater (Paris: PSN) 21-36

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2007) "Foucault Revisited," Journal of Bentham Studies 9, 1-14

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2011) (ed.) “Jeremy Bentham’s Theory Today” in The Tocqueville Review/ La Revue Tocqueville. 32.1: 9-166

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2004) "L'abondance frugale: étude des propositions de J. Bentham pour réguler la pauvreté à la fin du XVIIIe siècle," in Gaïd Girard (ed.) Le superflu, chose très nécessaire (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes) 176-194

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2011) “La matrice panoptique dans les formes contemporaines de la surveillance”, in Deux siècles d’utilitarisme. Malik Bozzo-Rey and Emilie Dardenne eds., (Rennes: PUR), 145-156

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2017) “Le droit à l’épreuve du Panoptique”, Sociétés carcérales: Relecture(s) de Surveiller et punir, eds Isabelle Fouchard and Daniele Lorenzini, coll. Institut des Sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne (Paris: Mare et Martin), 123-137.

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2015) “Le gouvernement des normes: Jeremy Bentham et les instruments de régulation post-modernes”, in Archives de philosophie, 78:2 309-322

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2007) “Les métamorphoses panoptiques: de Foucault à Bentham,” Cahiers critiques de philosophie, 4: 60-71

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2005) "Le voyage de Jeremy Bentham en Russie, 1785-1788," Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes Anglaises du dix-huitième siècle: 1-10

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2017) “Nudges and limits of appropriate interference: Reading backwards from Mill’s harm principle to Jeremy Bentham’s indirect legislation”, History of European Ideas, 43:1, 53-69

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2014) “Of the Limits of the Civil Branch of Jurisprudence: Background, definitions and limits of Bentham’s discussion on civil law in Limits”, in The Legal Philosophy and Influence of Jeremy Bentham: Essays on 'Of the Limits of the Penal Branch of Jurisprudence', ed. G. Tusseau (London: Routledge) 117-128

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2009) “Organiser l’espace de la docilité: le juge et le gouverneur dans les écrits sur la Révolution française et panoptiques,” in Bentham et la France. Fortune et infortunes de l’utilitarisme. Emmanuelle de Champs and Jean-Pierre Cléro eds. (Oxford: SVEC), 53-66

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2002) "Représentations et réinterprétations du Panoptique de Jeremy Bentham: le surveillant est-il au centre de l'édifice? Etude d'un mystérieux personnage dans les dessins du Panoptique," ARLI 2

  • Brunon-Ernst, Anne (2001) "Secret et transparence du langage sur la charité dans Pauper Management Improved de Jeremy Bentham: l'enjeu démocratique," in Rosalind Greenstein (ed.) Regards linguistiques sur le secret (Paris: L'Harmattan) 93-11

  • Bubner, R. (2003) "Politics of enlightened happiness. Jeremy Bentham's philosophic-political thought,"Philosophische Rundschau50
  • Buchan, Bruce (2002) "Zero tolerance, mandatory sentencing and early liberal arguments for penal reform,"International Journal of the Sociology of Law.30: 201-218
  • Buijsen, M.A.J.M. (2000) "Jeremy Bentham en de wetenschap van het recht,"Nederlands Tidschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie7: 132-49
  • Buono, Eleonara (2016) ‘Utopia economica: Uno studio genealogico del neoliberalismo di Gary Becker in relazione al pensiero di Jeremy Bentham’, Nóema, 7 (2016), pp. 1-37.
  • Burns, J.H. (2004) "Bentham and the Scots," Journal of Bentham Studies 7
  • Burns, J.H. (2005) "Happiness and utility: Jeremy Bentham's equation,"Utilitas17: 46-61
  • Burns, J.H. (2009) "Bentham, Brissot and the challenge of revolution," History of European Ideas35: 217-26
  • Burns, James (2012) ‘“From a Good Scheme to a Better”: The Itinerancy of Jeremy Bentham, 1769-1789’, Utilitas, 24:4 pp. 443-466.