
UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources



RECREATE: REsearch network for forward looking activities and assessment of research and innovation prospects in the fields of Climate, Resource Efficiency and raw mATErials.

1 August 2013


The RECREATE project supports the development of the European Union’s new research funding program Horizon 2020 with a specific focus on Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials.

RECREATE stands for “REsearch network for forward looking activities and assessment of research and innovation prospects in the fields of Climate, Resource Efficiency and raw mATErials.” The project is funded by the European Commission and has as its overall objective to support the development of the European Union’s new research funding program Horizon 2020, with a specific focus on “Challenge 5: Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials”.

RECREATE will provide evidence and intelligence concerning the future directions of these research fields. RECREATE will run until mid 2018 and is carried out by a 16-member strong European consortium comprised of research institutes, consultants and industry stakeholders.

Together with its project partners UCL ISR develops indicators and methodologies for

  • analysing technology, policy and market trends,
  • assessing the impact of EU R&I cooperation and
  • strategic foresight. 

Within the overall project 911 ISR will develop a scoreboard that compares, measures and benchmarks research-based innovation efforts in the European Research Area (ERA) along the three dimensions of raw materials, resource efficiency, climate action, and their interactions. ISR is also in charge with the global trends analysis.

RECREATE seeks to improve the understanding of how policy interventions impact research and innovation developments in the fields of climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials, and how these are interrelated. This will provide knowledge for improving the quality of R&I policies and programmes in the fields of climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials.

More information on the ɱٱ.


Raimund Bleischwitz, UCL ISR

Michelle O'Keeffe, UCL ISR

Will McDowall, UCL ISR/UCL-Energy

Nino David Jordan, UCL ISR

External Partner organisations:

The Joint Institute for Innovation Policy (JIIP), Belgium ArcelorMittal Maizières Research SA (AMMR), France Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Germany The European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC), Belgium Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark Ecologic Institute gemeinnützige GmbH (Ecologic Institute), Germany European Industrial Research Management Association (EIRMA), Belgium Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany PNO Consultants NV (PNO), Belgium SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP), Sweden Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Tecnalia), Spain Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), The Netherlands Triple E Consulting (Triple E), The Netherlands VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT), Finland Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (Wuppertal Institute), Germany


An important project output will consist in a scoreboard that compares, measures and benchmarks research-based innovation efforts in the European Research Area (ERA) along the three dimensions of raw materials, resource efficiency, climate action, and their interactions.

The project will contribute to the development of indicators and methodologies for analysing technology, policy and market trends relevant for sustainability.

RECREATE will also condense strategically important information for research policy-makers.

The research results will be made available to policy-makers, research funding agencies, researchers and other stakeholders and the general public in the form of reports, an online presence and concise policy briefs. 


The overarching impact of RECREATE should consist in improved quality of R&I policies and programmes in the fields of climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials through substantiated evidence and trends.

An assessment of needs and developments will provide a foundation for these efforts.

The needs of a wide variety of actors representing society, policy, research, innovation and industry will be assessed. In order to do so the RECREATE network will tap a broad range of experts from many levels in the innovation system to make advanced need assessments including critical inter-linkages.

RECREATE partners and network will perform trend analysis and lead forward looking activities to support evidence based approaches. These forward-looking activities will support research and innovation policy in dealing with complex challenges and rapid technological changes. Forward looking activities will result in regular reports and policy briefs for a range of actors improving understanding of developments and ability to adapt and react to suit conditions and new challenges in a more effective way. 

RECREATE will improve the impact of EU research and innovation by increasing understanding of how developments in the fields of climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials are interrelated. Thus, RECREATE will improve R&I policy and programme quality by reducing fragmentation and strengthening inter-linkages between actors in the innovation system.

RECREATE will improve European competitiveness and political leadership by supporting European Research Area cooperation objectives and the goals of the Innovation Union through insight on emerging trends, issues and opportunities in the fields of climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials.

RECREATE will provide regular quantitative and qualitative policy briefings with information, trends and strategic options for R&I addressed to EU research managers and policy makers.

The RECREATE consortium and work plan is designed for delivering rapid studies to support R&I policy makers on key issues. This will enable early reaction to emerging trends, issues and opportunities.