

UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources


Briefing paper: Greening the Recovery in Ghana and Zambia

4 March 2021

The final version of the Greening the Recovery in Ghana and Zambia project briefing has been published.

Row of trees in Yendi, Ghana

Read the briefing here

The project briefing outlines the work of the project which will focus on the opportunities for integrating economic recovery and climate change policies in Ghana and Zambia.

The project is using a participatory scenario methodology that combines stakeholder engagement, narratives about the future, energy modelling and policy analysis. This has four main elements:

  1. Mapping the policy and societal landscape to understand how this has changed due to Covid-19, and to examine policies and plans that are already being developed. 
  2. Developing participatory scenarios with stakeholders that explore plausible pathways for a clean, resilient recovery.
  3. Quantifying these scenarios using open-source models of energy systems and land use, and using the results to refine the scenario narratives.
  4. Developing policy responses and supporting their implementation. This will include policies to support energy access, job creation and support investment in low carbon technologies and nature-based solutions. 

This project hopes to work with governments and other stakeholder to develop detailed plans for a low carbon recovery.

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