

UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources


Launching UCL ISR's Future Energy blog

12 March 2015

Coal Mining (c) Istockphoto

"We have known for some time that to limit global warming, some of the world’s fossil fuel reserves are going to have to stay in the ground. All of the carbon dioxide that would result from burning current fossil fuel reserves is around three times the amount that gives us a decent chance of staying below the 2oC threshold (the rough boundary between dangerous and catastrophic damages occurring).

Until recently people therefore frequently reported that two thirds of fossil fuels globally were ‘unburnable’. While it’s possible to get lots of interesting insights from this simple finding, this treats all the fossil fuels as the same. This is too simplistic."

The UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources is proud to launch its new dedicated blog page, Future Energy, providing perspectives on low-carbon future energy systems and sustainable development from UCL ISR academic staff.

To read the first post in full, visit the .