

UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources


Brazil's Agricultural policy must protect the environment

wildfire UK

Written by Marcus Maddatu

As the world progresses into a generation of immense intensity and challenges, the environment is a huge problem that needs to be addressed immediately. Whilst fierce battles in the frontlines occur within hospitals and justice against discrimination in several countries cause an uproar during this year, the environment needs to be prioritised to stabilize this world once again. Brazil being one of the fastest emerging economies, the environment is in desperate need of being protected. Action is needed as many factors could dismantle the country and even shatter the whole entire world.

The new president Jair Bolsanaro caused a controversial backlash as the environmental regulation in Brazil had been undermined and was focusing more on developing aggressive economic policies instead. Many issues were poorly addressed despite the somewhat ‘improvements’ - the 2012 Forest code was supposed to unequivocally improve the regulations within the terrestrial ecosystems and managements but instead increased the rates of deforestation and lowered the standard of legal protection in places such as the Amazon due to the amnesty provided by the polemic decree. Therefore, the environment must certainly need to be protected otherwise the lack of leadership and order would lead to the downfall of the country and impact the globe drastically through means of global warming.

Deforestation is an issue that has challenged Brazil for a long while. Despite the fact that the Amazon provided for one of the largest paper industries, destroying the Amazon would not only start making paper more scarce, businesses will eventually start losing profit if one of the most basic materials - wood - gets eradicated. Furthermore, the increased rate of deforestation will contribute to global warming and greenhouse gases which would predominantly put Earth in a very vulnerable position. This will create climatic implications and create severe droughts spreading across Brazil and the rest of South America if the Amazon turns into a Savannah. Although certain decrees and laws have been put into place, it is still not improving these dire situations thus further supports the utmost reason to why the Agricultural policy must protect the environment. These poor efforts of addressing deforestation impacts Brazil’s relationship with countries on a Global Scale economically.

President Macron of France suggested that countries that are not committed to dealing with greenhouse gases should no longer have relevant business and partnerships with France and other European countries. This suggests that not only will the environment be damaged but the whole entire nation will experience economic consequences which could aggravate the country severely since ties with other nations will be cut. If the government decided to actually protect the environment, it will enable them to resolve multiple conflicts such as with the inhabitants and indigenous tribes. Brazil will also be able to economically soar higher into becoming a more developed country without being rejected and more included within world affairs.

Most recently however a decree has been placed to revoke the zoning regulations of growing sugar canes by president Jair Bolsanaro. This was taken into action to improve the ethanol industry throughout the Amazon states in hopes of trading opportunities with other countries and improving the economy within the country. This is one of the smartest decisions Brazil has made as the use of ethanol from sugarcanes will reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere reducing the risk of global warming of 89% less greenhouse gases. Despite this new proposition, environmentalists say that the forest is still at risk even if Sugarcane cultivation is less likely to flare up the Amazon. The sugarcane Agroecological Zoning regulation however did say that this scheme will dissociate themselves from the Amazon and not involve themselves with deforestation. Although this proves to show care for the environment, this still does not change the fact that deforestation is still happening.

Communities. Indigenous people. Inhabitants. Poverty. Their lives will be at risk. Soon the environment will end up being a wasteland caused by the poor efforts by the Brazillian government. Sure the sugarcane regulation has proved some effort, however this is only minimal and will only affect the country in the smallest way. There is still economic risk if countries decide to stop working with Brazil. Interest rates will go up and the possibility of increase in tax could affect the country's citizens. Moreover, if deforestation keeps on happening, global warming will create a huge halt in the development of the world. If the agricultural policy doesn’t protect the environment, what are the chances of Brazil being stable again? Will the world face the climax of Global warming? Will businesses and development within the country be omitted completely? It won’t take only a few people, it needs the leadership and professional advice from the government. If they are not going to protect the beauty of nature, who will?

Photo by Neil Mark Thomas, Unsplash