
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


A Mission-Oriented UK Industrial Strategy

A report which sets out an approach to UK investment and innovation targeted at solving systemic 21st century challenges.

A Mission-Oriented UK Industrial Strategy

22 May 2019

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The UCL Commission for Mission-Oriented Innovation and Industrial Strategy (MOIIS)chaired by Professor Mariana Mazzucato and Lord David Willetts, have released a report which sets out an approach to UK investment and innovation targeted at solving systemic 21stcentury challenges.

The report titled “A Mission-Oriented Industrial Strategy” looks at different missions which target the four Grand Challenges outlined by the Government – an Ageing Society, the Future of Mobility, Clean Growth and the AI and Data Economy. The report also outlines how to ensure the design of these missions are able to crowd-in investment and innovation across different actors and sectors in the economy. TheUCL Commission forMission-Oriented Innovation and Industrial Strategy (MOIIS)hope this can lead to a concrete roadmap to attain sustainable and inclusive, investment-led growth.

Key recommendations

Implementing this new, government-wide approach to innovation and Industrial Strategy requires a different policy framework. This will require new ways of working and new capabilities within the public sector. This report sets out what needs to change to implement these recommendations, identifying eight groups of implementation steps for how the Industrial Strategy can:

  1. Steer the direction of innovation-led economic growth
  2. Drive the UK’s international competitiveness
  3. Solve grand challenges through cross-sectoral missions
  4. Support systematically the development of science, technology and the arts
  5. Nurture sectoral capabilities and absorptive capacity
  6. Invest in public sector capabilities and work across government
  7. Connect with citizens, mobilising social and behavioural change
  8. Leverage and crowd-in other forms of investment

Download the report


UCL Commission for Mission-Oriented Innovation and Industrial Strategy (MOIIS) co-chaired by Mazzucato, M. and Willetts, D. (2019). A Mission-Oriented UK Industrial Strategy. UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Policy Report, (IIPP 2019-04). /bartlett/public-purpose/ wp2019-04


For more information on MOIIS, please contact Dr George Dibb,Head ofIndustrial Strategy andPolicy Engagement at IIPP:
Tel:+44 (0) 20 3108 6578 (Internal: 56578)