
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


IIPP launches Mission-Oriented Innovation Network in the USA (MOIN USA)

28 April 2021

MOIN USA brings together leading US policy-making institutions to share challenges and opportunities in creating and shaping markets to create public value


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On March 30th the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP), with the support of the , launched a dedicated branch of the US Mission-Oriented Innovation Network (MOIN USA). The aim of MOIN USA is to build a research and policy agenda for shaping and co-creating markets, focusing on public value, with a network of public institutions and academic partners in the US.

MOIN USA builds on the global mission oriented innovation network (MOIN) created by IIPP in 2018. MOIN is a global network of public agencies/organisations (e.g. public banks, digital agencies, city level agencies, innovation agencies) that share the challenges and opportunities of stepping outside the box of fixing ‘market failures’, towards the more ambitious area of creating and shaping markets to fulfil public purpose.

The inaugural launch of the US chapter of MOIN was attended (virtually) by representatives from US public agencies DARPA, ARPA-E, NSF, SBIR, NYSERDA and NASA alongside representatives from US philanthropies and institutes such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Roosevelt Institute. The event was opened with addresses from , Founding Director of IIPP and Larry Kramer, President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, which focused on how markets are an outcome of how we govern actors in the economy (in the public, private and civil society space) and the need for more mutualistic relationships between these actors.

The launch of MOIN USA coincides with a renewed focus on industrial and innovation policies in the US and the next network event will take place on 29th June.

Jennifer Harris, Director Economy and Society Initiative, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, said:

"Industrial and innovation policy has taken on like wildfire (across the political spectrum) in recent months and it gives me hope that IIPP will be able to move this mission-oriented innovation approach into the bloodstream of government agencies, at both federal and state levels in the US.”

Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Director of the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, said:

“We are very grateful for the support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation in establishing MOIN USA and we look forward to collaborating with US public agencies and academics in rethinking the critical role of public agencies in nurturing public value, while innovating to solve the pressing challenges we face.”

About MOIN

IIPP’s Mission-Oriented Innovation network currently consists of over 85 public agencies, globally and is a collaborative knowledge sharing initiative aimed at advancing knowledge of purpose-driven and mission-oriented innovation. The network does this by sharing experiences, working jointly on lessons learned and building a commitment to exchange knowledge and learning across organizational, sectoral and geographic boundaries.

If you would like to learn more about MOIN or MOIN USA, please reach out to Nora Clinton, the MOIN Network engagement manager at n.clinton@ucl.ac.uk.

Catch-up on previous MOIN events (The Mission-Oriented Innovation Bootcamp) run in collaboration with the OECD:

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Read here publications on mission- oriented thinking and studies on public value:

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About IIPP

IIPP’s work brings revived notions of public value and public purpose to the centre of political economy and to concrete policy practice. Our work equips leaders to co-design growth that is innovation-led, sustainable and inclusive. Learn more here.