
The Bartlett


Achievements of Bartlett academics and students recognised at Education Awards

31 May 2019

Juliana Martins, Senior Teaching Fellow at The Bartlett School of Planning, was presented with a Provost’s Education Award and Nanda Vershoor was named Faculty Academic Rep of the Year at a UCL award ceremony this month. 

Winners at the UCL Education Awards with Provost Prof Michael Arthur

Bartlett Senior Teaching Fellow awarded UCL Provost’s Education Awards

Juliana Martins, Senior Teaching Fellow at The Bartlett School of Planning, was presented with a Provost’s Education Award at an award ceremony this month. 

She was awarded for her part in raising the quality of teaching and skills development within the Bartlett School of Planning. Recognised for actively supporting connections between 911 and their involvement with teaching and learning activities, taking a leading role in helping her students transition to their future careers, Juliana delivers an excellent teaching experience, using her substantial practice knowledge and experiences to further help her students. 

Juliana was one of twelve individuals to receive the award this year.

UCL Education Awards recognise the work of colleagues that is less visible to students, work that has enabled excellent practice or facilitated innovation in teaching and learning. As well as recognising the work of postgraduate students who teach, individual colleagues and teams can be nominated.  

Academic Rep of the Year Award

Faculty Academic Reps were also presented with awards at the ceremony.

Nanda Vershoor was recognised as Faculty Academic Rep of the Year for The Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment for her hard work and enthusiasm as Course Rep, working hard to reflect student views and prompting the department to make assessment requirements clearer to students.

Introducing the award Rothna Akhtar, Welfare and International Officer at Students' Union UCL, said:

“It gives me great pleasure to be on this stage this year, to reflect on what students and staff on the ground have achieved in making UCL a better place, working together to make it better day in day out. This year has been great!  Students – you have been more engaged, better supported and equipped, more active in your departments and beyond. Through this, you have developed an incredible experience which will serve you well for the rest of your lives.”

Find out more about the UCL Education Awards and the 2019 winners

Image: UCL Teaching and Learning