

UCL Institute for Global Prosperity


Africa Assembly: Post Covid-19 and Building a Better Future for All

5 November 2020

On Monday 9th November, the second Africa Assembly will take place, this time discussing Post COVID-19 and Building a Better Future for All.

Africa Assembly

Even before the current COVID crisis, global prospects were dire. On climate change, inequality, biodiversity and more, the best efforts to repair the status quo were not enough. As the emergency phase unwinds, there will be huge task of re-starting and re-building our societies and economies, and we risk not addressing the on-going major challenges – climate change, precarious livelihoods, bio-diversity loss – that posed major threats before the pandemic. Now is the time to prepare, to be ready to resist vested interests trying to just return to the status quo, and build forward to a better future. Having held our first African Assembly meeting on the 2nd June 2020 we realised the importance of bringing African leadership together under the African Assembly Network and as a community of leaders they can spur and support people to create African solutions of global significance to the major challenges of the day.

The meeting objectives are:

  • To explore ways that business schools across Africa are leading the transformation of African economies;

  • To discuss how African Assembly members as practitioners and business owners can advance the principles of regenerative agriculture and building agricultural innovative strategies;

  • To look into the role of social media in enhancing Open Government Partnership and Data Protection, and how Technology and Infrastructure impacts on internet users;

  • To discuss the importance of the value of waste within bio circular economies based on three presentations from 2030 entrepreneurs;

  • To use pollution and traffic as a provocation for creating an area for public debate across Africa.

Keynote Speakers include

  • Professor Henrietta Moore, President BIEA, Founding Director Institute for Global Prosperity, University College London;

  • Dr George Njenga- Executive Dean- Strathmore University Business School

  • Dr. Morris Mthombeni- Interim Dean, GIBS Business School University of Pretoria, South Africa

  • Professor Jacqueline McGlade, PROCOL Kenya & Strathmore University

The Africa Assembly is hosted by Strathmore University Business School in collaboration with UCL Istitute for Global Prosperity. The purpose of the Africa Assembly is to catalyse an unprecedented period of experimentation that move the continent (and eventually the rest of the world) from emergency to prosperity. We want to create a community of leaders who support each other in acting boldly for a better future. 

Updates will be shared after the meeting takes place.Â