

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


Highlights on some Asian and Russian participatory budgeting pioneers

Asia Russia

25 April 2018

By Yves Cabannes

In collaboration with Zhuang Ming, Jing Ping and Min Chen [Chengdu PB experience and China]; Vladimir Vladimirovich Vagin, Nadezhda Gavrilova, Ivan Shulga, Anna Sukhova and Larisa Kalinchenko [Russia and Stavropol Region PB/LISP / Initiative Budgeting]; Lev Shilov and Oleg Pachenkov [St Petersburg PB, Russia]; Shariza Kamarudin, Rohana Weiler and Ong Bee Leng [Penang and Seberang Perai PB, Malaysia]; Ahmad Rifai, John Taylor, Paulista Surjadi, Bima Pratama Putra, Kaori Ota Cabrera and Rizqa Hidanayi [Solo - Surakarta PB and Musrenbang in other Indonesian cities]; Kang In Choen, Denise K.H.Yoon and Choi Seung Woo [Hwaesong PB case and PB in Korea]; Adrià Duarte [international perspective]This report follows up the Networking Session on Participatory Budgeting in Asian and Russian cities and regions that took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during the World Urban Forum in February 2018 organized by Kota Kita Foundation (Indonesia), The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London (United Kingdom) and the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy, based in Barcelona, Spain.

The report is informed by the documentation of specific PB related experiences in six cities and regions [Chengdu, China; St Petersburg Federal District and Stavropol Region in Russia; Seberang Perai, Penang State in Malaysia; Surakarta/Solo in Indonesia and Hwaesong in Korea] with the intention to ground observations in very diverse realities and scales. Exchanges through email before and after the event and various field visits spread over the last ten years by the author, as well as written material available in English, complement the information1. Previously there has not been a full account of PB dynamics in the Asian and Russian region since there are a number of significant PB and PB related experiences such as the ones in China or from Kerala State in India, the diverse ones that are taking place in various cities and districts in Taiwan, as well as others, that have not been well documented.

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