

The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis


Memory Mapping in Forest Gate

5 February 2020

Memory Map workshop in Forest Gate

On 22nd January, CASA researchers, together with members of Forest Gate Arts, conducted a Memory Map workshop. They listened to recordings made by the group and began pinning them to the Memory Map to create an audio trail for Forest Gate.  The workshop was a brilliant example of digital inclusion, with the group supporting one another to learn about the software developed by Duncan Hay.

This knowledge exchange project is being led by Leah Lovett with funding from the EPSRC as part of UCL Culture's Trellis project, which aims to establish community links ahead of the opening of UCL East.

In addition to the Forest Gate Memory Map, in the future the project aims to release the software used in its creation as an Open Source toolkit to enable local history groups, museums, and researchers to conduct their own memory mapping projects.

The map and audio trail will be launching on 7th March at The Gate Library, Forest Gate.