
Institute of Archaeology


Silvia Amicone - Honorary Research Fellow

Silvia Amicone

Name: Dr Silvia Amicone

Honorary Title: Honorary Research Fellow

Email: silvia.amicone@ucl.ac.uk

IoA staff nominator’s name and email address:

Patrick Quinn patrick.quinn@ucl.ac.uk


IoA Involvement:

In early 2017 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the IoA Ceramic Technology Research Network and Competence Center Archaeometry Baden-Wuerttemberg (CCA-BW) at theUniversity of Tübingen where Silvia is based. This MoU has been signed to encourage academic co-operation through research and teaching in the field of scientific archaeological ceramic analysis.Collaborative research projects as well as exchanges between the Institute of Archaeology and Tübingen's CCA-BW researchers for training programs are on-going. Silvia is a key link in this cooperativeendeavor and her presence in Tübingen has facilitated the visits and supervision of master and PhD students as part of their research. Silvia is currently involved in the supervision of students of the MSc inArchaeological Science: Technology and Materials at the IoA. She is also co-supervisor together with Bill Sillar and Patrick Quinn for a PhD student.


Selected recent publications

  • Amicone, S., Memmesheimer, A., Solard, B., Gur-Arieh, S., Rogier, M., Qarni, M.A., Seidler, J., Sconzo, P., Heinze, L., Morandi, L. F., Kiemle, T., Miller, C. E., Nickel, K. G., Berthold, C. (2023) An interdisciplinary approach to the study of kiln firing: A case study from Campus Galli Open Air Museum (southern Germany). Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences 115: 111.


    Amicone, S., Müller N. S., Heinze, L., Schneider, G., Neumann, S., Fenn, N., Kiriatzi E. (2022) Four Centuries of Cooking Wares at Priene: Tracing Transformation in Supply and Trade Patterns in Western Asia Minor (Turkey). Advances in Archaeomaterials.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.aia.2023.05.002

    Amicone, S., Morandi, L. F., Gur-Arieh, S. (2021) “Seeing shit”: assessing the visibility of dung tempering in ancient pottery using an experimental approach. Journal of Environmental Archaeology 26(4), 423–438.


    Amicone, S., Freund, K., Mancini, P., D’Oriano, R., Berthold, C. (2020) New Insights into Early Iron Age Connections between Sardinia and Etruria: Archaeometric Analyses of Ceramics from Tavolara. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102452

    Amicone, S., Radivojević, M., Quinn, P. S., Berthold, C. and Rehren, Th. (2020). Pyrotechnological Connections? Re-investigating the Link between Pottery Firing Technology and the Origins of Metallurgy in the Vinča Culture, Serbia. Journal of Archaeological Science 118, 105–123.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105123

    For a list of publications please see ORCID profile (). You may be able to download some of these academia.edu page