

Institute of Archaeology


Katherine Wright - Honorary Associate Professor


Name: Dr Katherine Wright

Honorary Title: Honorary Associate Professor


IoA staff nominator’s name and email address:

Mark AltaweelÌým.altaweel@ucl.ac.uk


IoA involvement:

As a specialist on ground stone artefacts and stone bead technologies, Karen is a consultant for The Palaeo-Deserts Project (Saudi Arabia), collaborating with Dr Ceri Shipton. ÌýShe also contributes archive and publication work for The Azraq Basin Project (Jordan), in collaboration with Andrew Garrard (Honorary Associate Professor) and Louise Martin.Ìý As an Honorary Associate Professor, Karen will be contributing occasional lectures and seminars to undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Near Eastern archaeology (drawing upon her experience as Lecturer and Associate Professor at the Institute, 1994-2023).Ìý


Selected Publications


(see also Academia.edu)


Wright, K.I. 2014. Domestication and inequality?Ìý Households, corporate groups and food processing tools at Neolithic Çatalhöyük. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 33: 1-33.Ìý

Wright, K. I., Tsoraki, C., & Siddall, R. 2013. The ground stone technologies of Çatalhöyük, 1993-2008. In I. Hodder (Ed.), Substantive Technologies from Çatalhöyük: reports from the 2000-2008 seasons. Çatalhöyük Research Project Series Volume 9:Ìý 365-416. Los Angeles: Monographs of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, University of California at Los Angeles.

Wright, K. I., Critchley, P., Garrard, A. N., Bains, R., Baird, D., & Groom, S. 2008. Stone bead technologies and early craft specialization: insights from two Neolithic sites in eastern Jordan. Levant, 40(2): 131-165.

Wright, K. I. 2007. Women and the emergence of urban society in Mesopotamia. In S. Hamilton, R. Whitehouse, & K. I. Wright (Eds.), Archaeology and Women: Ancient and Modern Issues.: 199-245. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.

Wright, K. I. & Garrard, A. N. 2003. Social identities and the expansion of stone beadmaking in Neolithic western Asia: new evidence from Jordan. Antiquity, 77(296): 267-284.
