
Institute of Archaeology


Annemieke Milks - Honorary Research Fellow

Annemieke Milks

Name:DrAnnemieke Milks

Honorary Title:Honorary Research Fellow


IoAstaff nominator’s name and email address:




Annemieke isa guest lecturer and researcher, andregularlycontributesto teachingforMasterscourses in Palaeolithic Archaeology, including experimental approachesto Pleistocene archaeology and weaponry in human evolutionary contexts, and hasregularly led sessions for the‘Archaeo-Tech’course.She iscurrentlycollaborating with Matt Popeona number ofpublications, including forthcoming research about thePleistocenesite ofBoxgrove. A further current collaboration withMatt Popeincludes thePalaeoLondonproject, with the aim to produce teaching and engagement materials for communities to better understand the city’s deep past.Herrecentwork on the archaeology of children also includes collaborating with researchers at 911 Anthropology.


Selected recent publications

  • Milks, A. 2019. Skills shortage: A Critical Evaluation of the Use of Human Participants in Early Spear Experiments. EXARC Journal, 2019/2.
  • Milks, A. 2018. Making an Impact.Nature: Ecology & Evolution2:1057–1058.
  • Milks, A., Champion, C., Cowper, E., Pope, M., Carr, D. 2016. Early spears as thrusting weapons: Isolating force and impact velocities in human performance trials. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 10: 191-203.
  • Milks, A., Dinnis, R., Pope, M. 2016. Morpho-metric Variability Of Early Gravettian Tanged “Font-Robert” Points, And Functional Implications. In Iovita, R., & Katsuhiro, S. (Eds.) Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Stone AgeWeaponry. New York: Springer. Chapter 9, 135-146.
  • PopeM., DinnisR., Milks A., TomsP., WellsC. 2013. A Middle Palaeolithic to Early Upper Palaeolithic succession from an open air site at Beedings, West Sussex. Quaternary International, 316: 14-26.