
Institute of Archaeology


Society for Archaeological Sciences recognition for ceramic publication

25 August 2023

Congratulations to Maja Mise and Patrick Quinn (UCL Institute of Archaeology) who received an Honourable Mention from the Society for Archaeological Sciences for a recent article on Balkan ceramics.

Underwater photo of a sunken ship with many amphorae in the foreground (Photo: D. Frka)

The (SAS) has announced the 2022 Charles C. Kolb Award with an honourable mention for a paper by Maja Miseand Patrick Quinn, recognising their excellent study on transport amphorae.

The open access paper is entitled 'Origins and Distribution of Hellenistic and Late Republican Transport Amphorae in the Dalmatian Region and its Implications for Adriatic Trade and Economy' and is published in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

The paper was recognised by the award committee as:

an excellent example of a mature piece of scholarly work of great significance for the archaeology of the region and period. Although it combines a standard approach in current ceramic provenance studies, its application is exceptionally rigorous and robust, and the contextualisation of the scientific results extremely well-informed, reflecting a deep understanding of the material under study and the employed methodology. It provides a model for analogous studies.”

The Society for Archaeological Sciencesoffers anaward every year for the best published paper on science-based archaeological research in ceramics in honor of Charles C. Kolb.

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Citation:Miše, M., Quinn, P.S. Origins and Distribution of Hellenistic and Late Republican Transport Amphorae in the Dalmatian Region and its Implications for Adriatic Trade and Economy. Archaeol Anthropol Sci 14, 225 (2022).

Collection of amphorae in a stone built vaulted room (Photo: Maja Mise)

Top image: Photo of sunken merchant ship with transport amphorae, Žirje shipwreck with Corinthian or type B amphorae (Photo: D. Frka)

Bottom image: Collection of amphorae in a stone vaulted room (Photo: M Mise)