

Institute of Archaeology


Archaeology International Issue 20 (2017) now online

28 March 2018

The latest issue of

Archaeology International Issue 20 (2017) now online ai-journal.com/" target="_self">Archaeology International, showcasing the Institute's diverse research, teaching and public engagement activities, is now available online.

highlights the Institute's research presence across the globe and contains a number of articles by Institute staff including:

  • Digitising and Re-examining Vere Gordon Childe's 'Dawn of European Civilisation': a celebration of the UCL Institute of Archaeology's 80th Anniversary by Katie Meheux
  • Civilisation and Human Niche Construction by Manuel Arroyo-Kalin, David Wengrow, Dorian Fuller, Chris Stevens and Michele Wollstonecroft
  • Open for Competition: Domesticates, Parasitic Domesticoids and the Agricultural Niche by Dorian Fuller and Chris Stevens
  • Human Niche Construction and Population Growth in Pre-Columbian Amazonia by Manual Arroyo-Kalin
  • Avoiding the Pestilence of the State: Some Thoughts on Niche Construction, Heritage and Sacred Waterworks by David Wengrow

The issue also includes shorter research updates and in this issue topics vary from The Origins of Stonehenge: On the Track of the Bluestones; Developments in Ceramic Technology in North China in the Sixth Century AD; Bones on Stones to Supply and Demand in Prehistory? Economics of Neolithic Mining in NW Europe and Archaeometallurgy in Columbia as well as updates on research projects including Artefacts of Excavation and the Building Bridges project at the London Science Museum. 

As well as the usual Editorial and the Institute's Director's Report, information on Studying at the UCL Institute of Archaeology: Past and Present is provided.

The annual bookshelf of recent publications, a section on recent news and obituaries are also included as well as The Institute of Archaeology Around the World: A Global Perspective on the Past.

is published by and is normally available online as well as in print and is fully open access.