
Institute of Archaeology


13 Information on assessment

Information on assessment - published for 2024-25

13Information on assessment

Please note that this information may be subject to change due toCovid-related regulations– please check theStudents’ webpagesfor the most up-to-date information:

13.1 How will students be assessed?

During your studies, you will find that there is significant variation in the types and style of assessment you are required to undertake depending on the material covered and the module objectives. Alongside the traditional written essay and end-of-year unseen examinations, modules may use online tests, article reviews, field notebooks, laboratory notebooks, portfolios, presentations, and reports on readings and site/ museum visits. Assessed work is returned to the student within four weeks of submission, with written feedback and guidance for improvement, so that the assessment process contributes to student learning. The forms of assessment for individual modules are detailed in the Module Handbook and on Moodle.

13.2 What are the marking criteria and learning outcomes?



Grad Dip



First Class




Upper Second




Lower Second






Condonable Fail (see Academic Manual for regulations)

39 and below


(see Academic Manual for condonement regulations)


(see Academic Manual for condonement regulations)


Students are marked on the following criteria:

  • Argument Does the coursework address the assignment question/task, use a clear structure and build a relevant discussion and conclusion?
  • Knowledge Does the coursework demonstrate knowledge relevant to the assignment question/task?
  • Evidence Does the coursework employ evidence to answer the question / task? Are case studies used and are they selected appropriately?
  • Analysis Critical reflection and ability to recognise and evaluate own and other scholars’ assumptions.
  • Sources Has the candidate consulted appropriate sources? Understanding is assessed under 'knowledge' and 'evidence', while scholarly practice and academic integrity is assessed under ‘academic integrity’.
  • Academic integrity Use of in-text references and bibliography. Use of software assistance.
  • Visuals Use of tables, charts & illustrations. Clarity and effectiveness in supporting argument. These criteria may not be relevant in all cases.
  • Writing Use of appropriate spelling, vocabulary, grammar and syntax. Fluency and clarity in the use of language.

13.3 What marking scale is in use on the programme?

Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma
70 and above = First Class
60-69 = Second Class, Upper Division
50-59 = Second Class, Lower Division
40-49 = Third Class

Masters Degrees
70 and above = Distinction
60-69 = Merit
50-59 = Pass

Students should note that the scale used in the UK is different from that used in some other countries. In particular, marks above 75 are very rare.

13.4 What is feedback, and how will students recognise it (questions in lectures, emails etc.)? How and when will students receive feedback on their work and what will it look like?

Students can expect to receive written feedback on formally-assessed coursework, usually within a maximum of four weeks from the submission deadline. If there are delays in providing feedback for individual modules, students will be notified of this before the four weeks have passed.Feedback will usually be provided electronically via Moodle on Turnitin. Additionally, students may receive verbal or written feedback in class or on non-assessed coursework. Feedback methods are described in individual Module Handbooks.

Feedback on individual assessments can be discussed with moduleco-ordinatorsby appointment.

13.5 UCL Standard turnaround time for feedback

UCL Feedback Turnaround Policy
Regular feedback is an essential part of every student’s learning. It is UCL policy that all students receive feedback on summative assessments within twenty working days of the submission deadline. This feedback may take the form of written feedback, individual discussions, group discussions, marker’s answers, model answers or other solutions (although students should note that 911 is generally unable to return examination scripts).Students writing dissertations or research projects should also expect to receive feedback on a draft on at least one occasion.

If, for whatever reason, a department/division cannot ensure that the abovedeadline is met then they will tell students when the feedback will be provided - it is expected that the extra time needed should not exceed one week. Where feedback is not provided within the timescale, students should bring the matter to the attention of their Departmental Tutor or Head of Department.

Further information:

13.6 Written Examinations

Please check the Students’ webpages for the most up-to-date information:

13.6.1 Examinations

Students must ensure that they are aware of the regulations governing written examinations detailed in the UCL Examination Guide for Candidates on the Examinations andAssessmentwebsite.

Further information:

13.6.2 IntercollegiateExams

UCL students taking examinations at other colleges as part of the University of London’s intercollegiate module sharing scheme should refer to the Student Policy outlined in the Academic Manual, Chapter 8 (Annexe 11: “Intercollegiate Module Sharing with other University of London Colleges – Student Policy”).

Further information:

13.7 Coursework submission

During your studies, you will find that there is significant variation in the types and style of assessment you are required to undertake depending on the material covered and the module objectives. Alongside the traditional written essay and end-of-year unseen examinations, modules may use online tests, article reviews, field notebooks, laboratory notebooks, portfolios, presentations, and reports on readings and site/ museum visits.You are expected to submit work on time as required and in return you can expect to receive your work back promptly.

Coursework assessment is sometimes ‘formally assessed’, which means that it contributes a percentage to the final mark of the course.All coursework assessmentsare compulsory and must be completed. Failure to complete assessed coursework may result in your being barred from examinations being deemed ‘incomplete’. Not all coursework contributes to the final percentage of a course mark: ‘formative’ coursework offers you the opportunity to develop your skills and receive feedback.

Further details on completing IoA assessments are available on the module's Moodle page. If you are taking a module in another department or college please refer to their guidelines.


The dates for coursework assessment deadlines are determined at the start of the year and are clearly set out in the Handbook and course materialsmade available at the start of the module.

Electronic Submission

An electronic copy of each assessmentmustbe submitted via the Module Moodle page by 11:59PM on the day of the deadline. By submitting on Moodle, you will be confirming your agreement with the UCL Plagiarism Statement. Submission through Moodle also submits the assessment to Turnitin.

If you encounter difficulties submitting your assessment electronically, you should contactioa-turnitin@ucl.ac.uk straight away and attach a copy of your assessment.This will constitute a formal record of your attempt to upload your work.

Routine computer problems such as viruses, disk corruption, and short term network problems are not acceptable grounds for lateness or for requesting an extension to the submission deadline. You are expected to take proper precautions and make back-up copies of your data or ensure adequate time for electronic submission.

13.8 Information about penalties for late submissions

13.8.1 Coursework Late Submission Penalties

Planning, time-management and the meeting of deadlines are part of the personal and professional skills expected of all graduates. For this reason, UCL expects students to submit all coursework by the published deadline date and time, after which penalties will be applied.

However, to support you in being autonomous learners and balance the challenges of study, life, and your wellbeing, UCL has introduced the Delayed Assessment Scheme. The Delayed Assessment Scheme entitles all taught students to pre-determined flexibility for a small number of eligible assessments throughout the year. Our hope is that by providing you with tools to access mitigations when you need, you can develop healthy and resilient approaches to your studies.

The Delayed Assessment Scheme provide students a maximum of 3 permits to use during each year of study. Each Delayed Assessment Permit (DAP) entitles you to a pre-determined mitigation for an assessment such as a 5working day extension or deferral. Please note; mitigations are pre-determined and not all assessment are eligible.

If a student experiences something which prevents them from meeting a deadline that is sudden, unexpected, significantly disruptive and beyond their control, they should submit an Extenuating Circumstances (EC) Form. If the request is accepted, the student may be granted an extension. If the deadline has already passed, the late submission may be condoned i.e. there will be no penalty for submitting late.

Undergraduate and Graduate Diploma work

  • Up to 2 working days late: Deduction of 10 percentage points but no lower than 40.00%
  • 3–5 working days late: Mark capped at 40.00%
  • More than 5 working days, but no more than one month late: Mark of 1.00%

Masters work

  • Up to 2 working days late: Deduction of 10 percentage points but no lower than 50.00%
  • 3–5 working days late: Mark capped at 50.00%
  • More than 5 working days, but no more than one month late: Mark of 1.00%

Further information:

13.9 Information about absence from assessment

13.9.1 Absence from Assessment

Any student who is absent from an assessment without prior permission will receive a mark of 0.00%/ Grade F unless they formally request to defer their assessment to a later date by submitting a claim forExtenuating Circumstances with appropriate supporting evidence.If Extenuating Circumstances are not approved, the mark of 0.00%/ Grade F will stand and the student will be considered to have made an attempt.

Further information:

13.10 Information about word counts and penalties

Word Counts
Assignment briefs will include clear instructions about word counts, the inclusion of footnotes, diagrams, images, tables, figures and bibliographies etc. Students areexpected to adhere to the requirements for each assessment. Students exceeding these parameters may receive a reduction in marks.

The faculty has one unified policy, covering all programmes and modules, governing the penalties for work that is submitted over the published word count. The full policy can be found on the SHS Student Intranet, and the key points are:

  • For work that exceeds the maximum length by less than 10%, the mark will be reduced by 5 percentage points, but will not be reduced below the pass mark.
  • For work that exceeds the maximum length by 10% or more, the mark will be reduced by ten percentage points, but will not be reduced below the pass mark.

The following should not be included in the word count of coursework and dissertations: title page, contents pages, lists of figure and tables, abstract, preface, acknowledgements, bibliography, captions and contents of tables and figures, appendices.

Further information:

13.11 Information about the consequences of failure

Students are permitted a maximum of two attempts at any given assessment.If a student fails an assessmentat the first attempt they might:

  • Be eligible for Condonement
  • Need to Resit or Repeat the assessment
  • Apply fora Deferral or other supportunder theExtenuating Circumstancesprocedures

Condonement allows a student to progress from one year to the next and/ or to be awarded a qualification where they are carrying a small amount of failure, as long as their overall performance is of a good standard and the requirements of any relevant Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies are met. Students who meet the Condonement Criteria will not be reassessed.

A student’s eligibility for Condonement in any given module is determined by the programme on which they are enrolled - some modules may be ‘Non-Condonable’ i.e. students must pass them. Condonement applies to module marks falling within a certain range, and students will need to meet defined criteria to be eligible for Condonement.

Further information:

Student Guides to  Condonement

Depending on the amount of failure,Reassessmentmay take the form of either a Resit, which usually takes placein the Late Summer,or a Repeat in the following academic session. The marks for modules successfully completed at the second attempt will be capped at the Pass Mark–40.00% for modules at UG Level/ Levels 4, 5 and 6; 50.00% for PGT modules at Masters Level/ Level 7.

Taught Postgraduate students:
Students who fail a Masters dissertation/ research project will normally resit by 31 January (30 April for January-start programmes). Exceptionally, the Exam Board may decide that the extent of failure is such that the student needs to repeat the dissertation with tuition and fees.

Further information:

Deferred Assessment
If an assessment has been affected by Extenuating Circumstances (ECs) students may be offered a Deferral i.e. a ‘new first attempt’ or a ‘new second attempt’. Students may be able to use a Delayed Assessment Permit to defer an assessment, if eligible. If the student successfully completes a Deferral of their first attempt, their module marks will not be capped. If the student successfully completes a Deferral of their second attempt (i.e. they have ECs on a Resit or Repeat), their module marks will be capped at the Pass Mark (i.e. the existing cap will not be removed).

Further information:

13.12 Academic Integrity

High academic standards are fundamental to ensuring continued trust and confidence in UCL’s world-leading research and teaching, as well as the individuals who work and study at 911. UCL takes Academic Integrity very seriously, and expects students to familiarise themselves with UCL’s referencing and citation requirements. A good starting point is the UCL Library Guide to References, Citations and Avoiding Plagiarism. Students should also ensure that they are familiar with the specific referencing requirements of their discipline, as these may vary.

Candidates for controlled condition examinations should also familiarise themselves with the requirements set out in the Academic Manual, Chapter 6, Section 9.2 (weblink provided below). It is also very important that students are aware of what items they are permitted to bring into the Examination Halls, so they can ensure they do not unintentionally breach the examination rules.

UCL has a zero tolerance approach to the use of essay mills and contract cheating, as they go against every principle that 911 stands for. These types of service disadvantage honest students and devalue standards in our universities.

The vast majority of students at 911ill maintain their Academic Integrity throughout their studies, but it is important to be aware that 911 may consider breaches to your Academic Integrity as an instance of Academic Misconduct. When Academic Misconduct occurs there can potentially be penalties imposed, and it is important to note that repeated breaches will be taken very seriously and could result inexclusionfrom UCL(see Academic Manual, Chapter 6, Section 9.3, web-link provided below). For students who are unsure of what may be considered as Academic Misconduct, the procedures in Chapter 6 of the Academic Manual define all such behaviour and how this is taken forwards. UCL also has online tools available to help students identify what behaviours may be considered as Academic Misconduct.

Further information:

13.13 Information about academic integrity and accepted referencing methods in the discipline

One of the most fundamental skills in any piece of academic writing – whether a book, conference paper, article, essay, project, report or dissertation – is the ability to provide clear and appropriate references and citations. Whenever you quote from or paraphrase work written by another author, you must acknowledge that you have done so, even if you do not quote the source directly. This acknowledgement is known as acitation. It consists of brief details of the publication and is given in the body of your text. You also have to give a complete list of these citations at the end of your assignment in a list ofreferencesor bibliography. It is vital that you are both consistent and accurate in your referencing. The Institute of Archaeology uses the Harvard referencing system. Full details can be found here:

13.14Information about academic integrity and how to avoid academic misconduct in the discipline

Academic misconduct
Academic misconduct is as any action or attempted action that may result in you obtaining an unfair academic advantage.

Obvious examples of academic misconduct include various kinds of cheating in exams, but it extends more generally to a failure to maintain academic integrity, that is to say, failing to properly acknowledge where your work draws on the work of others. Those ‘others’ might be fellow students, staff whose lectures you have attended, published scholars, authors of web pages, or even a chatbot: in fact, any person or software that produces or revises content.

There are strict penalties for academic misconduct, potentially culminating in exclusion from the university, but you can avoid it by always being honest and transparent about the sources used in your work, as well as any assistance obtained from other people or software. You must avoid the following:

Plagiarism is defined as the presentation of another person's thoughts or words or artefacts or software as though they were a student's own.

Plagiarism constitutes an examination offence under the University Regulations and it important that you understand what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it. UCL regulations governing plagiarism apply to all student work, including examinations, assessed coursework and non-assessed coursework.

All UCL students are required to read the UCL guidance on plagiarism as well as the IoA Study Skills Handbook which includes advice on presentation and referencing. All assessed coursework is required to be submitted to Turnitin®, a sophisticated detection system which scans student work for evidence of plagiarism by matching text from student assessments to billions of sources worldwide, including websites and journals, as well as work previously submitted to the IoA, UCL and other universities.

Please refer to the 911ebsite and the Institute of Archaeology Study Skills Guide for information on plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Self-plagiarism is an examination offence involving the reproduction or resubmission of your own work in full or in part, which has already been submitted for assessment to UCL or any other institution. There may be certain circumstances in which this is permissible, but you must first check with the relevant member of staff and you should always acknowledge the re-use.

Commissioning coursework from others
You may be approached by companies or individuals offering to sell you ‘guaranteed plagiarism-free’ coursework, but the very act of submitting their work as if it is yours is plagiarism! Do not be tempted: you won't learn anything and the penalties for this type of academic misconduct are very severe.

Inappropriate or unacknowledged use of software assistance
The ready availability of generative AI chatbots (e.g. ChatGPT) along with more long-standing software such as Grammarly means that there is now a variety of powerful tools which you might be tempted to use to help you write your coursework. UCL's policy regarding the use of AI and other software is evolving and may change as you progress through your degree programme. Please refer to the 911ebsite for information about the use of AI, but note that your lecturers will tell you what is and is not permissible in their particular courses (be sure to ask them if they do not).

To maintain your academic integrity always describe your use of software assistance in the boxes provided for this purpose on the coursework coversheets.

13.15 Research Ethics and Approvals

The Institute of Archaeology takes research ethics very seriously and has produced the following guidelines for Institute staff and students to adhere to:

Any enquiries may be directed to the Chair of the Institute's Ethics Committee (currently Dr Julia Shaw) atIoA.ethics@ucl.ac.ukIt is essential that students planning to undertake dissertation topics which involve human subjects seek and obtain approval through the Ethics Committee before embarking on the research.

Further Information:

13.16 Information about Marking, Second-Marking and Moderation

Marking, Second-Marking and Moderation
All work that is submitted for summative assessment is marked by a UCL Internal Examiner or Assistant Internal Examiner. All UCL programmes also include second-marking and internal moderation processes to ensure that marking is consistent and fair. Second-marking can take a number of different forms depending on the type of assessment, but the overall aim is to ensure that marking is as accurate as possible. Internal moderation also helps UCL to ensure that marking is equitable across different modules, pathways, options and electives.

13.17 Information about the External Examiner process and how to access reports via Portico

External Examining at 911
External Examiners are senior academics or practitioners from other universities who help UCL to monitor the quality of the education we provide to our students. In particular, External Examiners scrutinise the assessment processes on each programme, helping UCL to ensure that all students have been treated fairly, that academic standards have been upheld and that the qualifications awarded are comparable with similar degrees at other UK universities.

Each External Examiner submits an on-line annual report. Faculties and departments are required to reflect on any recommendations and address any issues raised in a formal response. The report and response are discussed with Student Reps at the Student Partnership Committee, and are scrutinised by faculty, department and institution-level committees. Students can access their External Examiner’s report and departmental response via the “My Studies” page through their Portico account either through ‘Module Assessment’ or ‘Summary of Results and Awards’ or by contacting their Departmental Administrator in the first instance. On the same “My Studies” Portico page, students can also access 911ide External Examiners reports for the last three years. For central queries relating to External Examining, please contact Student and Registry Services atexaminers@ucl.ac.uk.