


Springshare platforms (Library Services) accessibility statement

This accessibility statement applies to UCL LibAnswers/LibChat, LibWizard, LibCal, LibStaffer, LibGuides and LibApps.

  • LibAnswers ()
  • LibWizard ()
  • LibCal ()
  • LibStaffer ()
  • LibGuides ()
  • LibApps ()

are run by Springshare. We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website, which means that you should be able to:

  • change colours, contrast levels and fonts
  • zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen
  • navigate the website using just a keyboard
  • navigate the website using speech recognition software
  • listen to most of the website using a screen reader

There are a number of customisation options for your browser and device that could help you use this website and other websites more effectively.AbilityNethas.

How accessible this website is

We know some parts of this website are not fully accessible. You can see a full list of issues we currently know about in the non-accessible content section of this statement.

Feedback and contact information

If you need information on this website in a different format like accessible PDF (Portable Document Format), large print, easy read, audio recording or braille, please contact:

  • email

The Library Accessibility Team aimto respond to emails within two business days.

Reporting accessibility problems with this website

We’re always looking to improve the accessibility of this website. If you find any problems not listed on this page or think we’re not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact us:

Read .

Enforcement procedure

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the .

Technical information about this website’s accessibility

University College London is committed to making its websites accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

Compliance status

This website is partially compliant with the standard, due to the non-compliances and exemptions listed below.

Non-accessible content

The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons.

Non-compliance with the accessibility regulations

This section covers issues that we need to fix and are working to do so. They have been identified with reference to the accessibility conformance information provided by Springshare via the(login required). Each issue has been categorised forwhether the issue impacts the Authoring tool, End user interface or both.

LibAnswers ()

Authoring tool
1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (AA)
Our authoring tool does include helpinformation that displays when hovering over adedicated help icon; this content is not hoverable, but itis dismissible and persistent. We will be reviewing howwe can overhaul this in the fourth quarter of 2023.

4.1.3 Status Messages (AA)
We are working on updating the authoring tool to make better use of roles.

LibWizard ()

Authoring tool
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A)
There is no way to bypass the Forms, Surveys, and Quizzes settings left navbar at this time. This will be reviewed on Q1 2023.

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (A)
There are instances where links using font awesome icons are flagging ‘Link text used for multiple different destinations’ (such as delete row function). This is being flagged in SiteImprove but not with WAVE, WCAG Audit Tool, Lighthouse. The focus order helps decipher which row/ticket to delete as well.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)
Submission reports field dropdown does not have appropriate label.Field Rules select elements do not have proper labelsThese issues will be reviewed by Q1 2023.

1.3.4 Orientation (AA)
LibWizard currently does not support Form Editing on smaller form factored mobile devices.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (AA)

The table heading on the admin -> API -> Applications is below 4.5:1 contrast ratio.Some help texts in tutorials are below 4.5:1 contrast ratio.These issues will be reviewed by Q1 2023.

1.4.4 Resize text (AA).
Our dialogues do not resize properly on 200% zoom. We will review this issue by Q1 2023.

1.4.5 Images of Text (AA)
Our help docs will sometimes include screenshots which include text to label screenshot elements; these are always accompanied by text information within the same page.

1.4.10 Reflow (AA)
Some areas such as form edits do not support reflow. We do display a message on smaller form factor devices that say, “LibWizard forms can only be modified on desktop or devices with larger screens”. Some modal contents are not fully visible on the Forms listing page when you zoom into 200%. We will review this by Q1 2023.

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (AA)
We are reviewing the hover functions on tooltip icons. These are only dismissible via clicking outside of the hover content or focusing/clicking on the close button of the help text content.

2.4.7 Focus Visible (AA)
The rich text editor (CKEditor) is missing visible focus in field editors.

Authoring tool and End user interface
3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (A)
Authoring tool: Advanced Filters dropdowns do not have associated labels in the Submission Report page.Pagination group is missing a label in the Forms listing page.These issues will be reviewed by Q1 2023.
End user interface:
The File Upload field label is not being read through screenreader.

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (AA)
Authoring tool: Email address lookup when adding new account does have type=email. When editing that new user’s info, the first and last name do not have appropriate autocomplete attributes.
End user interface:
Name field does not have an autocomplete type (name, nickname, given- name, etc) you can choose when creating forms.

LibCal ()

Authoring tool
1.4.1 Use of Colour (A)
Authoring tool: The Equipment and Spaces modules have availability grids which rely primarily on colour as a means of displaying available and unavailable times. We added the reading of Available, Confirmed, etc with additional details for screen readers when navigating through the availability grids. The availability grid status can be read/view either by tabbing over the grid blocks or hovering over the blocks. The grid blocks can also be customized to use different swatch patterns. It’s also possible to retrieve equivalent availability and booking data via other means – availability can be determined via Add Booking button (where all available slots are presented in list format, independent of colour) and upcoming bookings can be viewed in table format via the Booking Explorer.

3.3.1 Error Identification (A)
Errors in form submissions are generally described to the user in text. The admin side of LibCal does include some modal-based transactions which can trigger a javascript success message on submit. We’re incrementally improving this behaviour to eliminate the use of JS alerts and just show the same success information onscreen. On adding an event to the calendar with required location, if location info is not updated and the event is submitted, there is an error message that displays letting the user know what the error is. However, the actual field in question is not highlighted or focused in anyway (no red outline).

1.2.4 Captions (Live) (AA)
We provide captions for our shorter documentation videos but we do not provide concomitant closed captioning for our live webinar sessions.

3.3.3 Error Suggestion (AA)
We generally provide text descriptions to identify required fields which weren’t completed and identify these areas with the aria- required property. For adding an event to the calendar with a required location, we do display the ‘You must provide a location’ error message on submit, without updating focus to the location field and there’s no visual indication that there is an error with that field. This will be addressed in the February 2024release.

4.1.3 Status Messages (AA)
Status messages are generallypresented using roles. The interface does includejavascript success messages; we’re working to eliminate the use of these in favour of onscreen success messageswhich can make better use of aria roles.

End user interface
2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (A)
When a user makes a new booking from the equipment, seat, space, and event pages, patrons must complete the reservation form within 10 minutes of when they begin their request for events and 5 minutes for equipment/seat/space bookings. After the 5 or 10minute period, the time slot/event registration is released back into the available pool. When this happens, users can re-request the same time slot without penalty assuming no other user has claimed it. This is an essential function of the product and is required to prevent people from inappropriately blocking other users from reserving resources without actually completing a reservation.

LibStaffer ()

Authoring tool
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A)
Authoring tool does not containa skip to main content link to help users bypass repeated page navigation menus.

1.2.4 Captions (Live) (AA)
We provide captions for our shorter documentation videos but we do not provide concomitant closed captioning for our live webinar sessions.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (AA)
The tooltip info icon has a colour contrast below 4.5:1 (Time Off page). Shift block colours are customizable. The pagination numbers have colour contrast below 4.5:1 on multiple pages. Hovered date filter colours fall below 4.5:1 requirement on Staff shifts page. Some texts in the Admin pages use colours that fall below 4.5:1 requirement. We are aiming to review/address these issues throughout the year from 2021 to 2022.

Authoring tool and End user interface
Authoring tool: 1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A)
Several input fields on the Home, Reports pages do not have labels. Select boxes do not label on most pages such as the Schedules, Time Off, Reports, and Staff pages. There are fields with same ID on the Home and several Admin pages. HTML is used to format data tables in some Admin pages. We are aiming to review/address these issues by end of 2021.
End user interface:
The Name field’s label is not associated with the actual name field in the Workflow Form. We are aiming to review/address this by end of 2021.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (A)
Authoring tool: While we use clear headings and subheadings in the authoring tool, we’re currently reviewing the admin portion of the interface to ensure all elements are selectable by keyboard; this should be completed by the end of 2021. Tool tip help icons are not keyboard accessible. Closing modal dialogues makes you lose focus on your last position on the page.
End user interface:
On the Privacy alert section, you lose focus of where you are after you close the “Read More” privacy alert box with keyboard focus. We are aiming to review/address this issue by end of 2021.

1.4.1 Use of Colour (A)
Authoring tool: Schedule Page link on the Schedule Settings does not have any identifiable indication that they are links. Some links throughout the system do not have any identifiable visual link indications (underline/bold). We are aiming to review/address these issues by end of 2021.
End user interface:
Footer links do not have a clear visual link identifier (underline or bold).

2.1.1 Keyboard (A)
Authoring tool: Some elements are not accessible by keyboard such as calendar filtering by Year/Month. We will be looking to replace the date picker component used that is non accessible via keyboard with one that has this functionality available by the end of 2021. Schedule items and controls (Schedules page) are not keyboard accessible. Tooltip icons are not keyboard accessible. CSV export button is not accessible.
End user interface:
Event contents are not accessible by keyboard navigation alone. On the Privacy alert section, you lose focus of where you are after you close the “Read More” privacy alert box with keyboard focus. We are aiming to review/address these issues by end of 2021.

2.4.3 Focus Order (A)
Authoring tool: Content is presented in a meaningful sequential way using appropriate html headers. We also plan to improve page sequence and focus order in the authoring tool by updating our use of html roles and landmarks).
End user interface:
On the Privacy alert section, you lose focus of where you are after you close the “Read More” privacy alert box with keyboard focus. We are aiming to review/address this issue by end of 2021.

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (A)
Authoring tool: The New Shift modal (on Schedule page) aria-labelled by has an incorrect ID reference.
End user interface:
The purpose of links presented in LibStaffer can generally be determined from the link text alone. When images are used (as in the case of font awesome icons), we include accessible text so their purpose can be understood.

3.3.1 Error Identification (A)
Authoring tool: Errors in form submissions are generally described to the user in text. The admin side of LibStaffer does include some modal-based transactions which can trigger a javascript success message on submit. We’re incrementally improving this behaviour to eliminate the use of JS alerts and just show the same success information onscreen.
End user interface:
We do display required field errors and focus on the fields/input in question after form submit. These errors could be more detailed.

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (A)
Authoring tool: Some dropdown/selects throughout the app do not have proper label/descriptions.
End user interface:
Previous button is being read as ‘prev’. Full calendar’s day of the week are abbreviated (Sun and Mon only). We are aiming to review/address these issues by end of 2021.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)
Authoring tool:
Authoring Tool: Some dropdown/selects throughout the app do not have proper label/descriptions. There are fields with same ID on the Home and several Admin pages. We are aiming to review/address these issues throughout the year from 2021 to 2022.
End user interface: In cases where we have created our own, non-native HTML elements, the name and role of those elements can be programmatically determined as described in the guidelines. There are elements with role=combobox that are not div type, instead they are button types. Widget iframes do not have titles. We are aiming to review/address these issues by end of 2021.

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (AA)
Authoring Tool: First and Last name fields in Accounts > Create New Account do not have autocompletes.
End user interface:We are investigating updating our platform to include these identifiers. Their potential application in our products is limited to things like name, email, and telephone fields in LibStaffer registration forms.

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (AA)
Authoring tool: Our authoring tool includes help information that displays when hovering over a dedicated help icon; we are working on improving their behaviour for users with assistive devices.
End user interface:The calendar items display the schedule/event content on hover. However, the content is not accessible via keyboard navigation. We are aiming to review/address these issues by end of 2021.

4.1.3 Status Messages (AA)
Authoring Tool: Status messages are generally presented using roles. The interface does include javascript success messages; we’re working to eliminate the use of these in favour of onscreen success messages which can make better use of aria roles.
End user interface:Submitting form will display a “Success” message read by the screenreader that will disappear in 3 seconds. There is another ‘alert’ div element on the page with a more detailed success message does not have role=’alert’ (therefore not read automatically by screenreader). We are aiming to review/address these issues by end of 2021.

LibGuides ()

Authoring tool
2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A)
We don’t currently have a way to skip the navigation bar of the authoring tool. We will work on remedying this by spring 2023.

2.4.3 Focus Order (A)
When modals are dismissed, focus is reset to the document. The user must tab from the beginning of navigation sequence to reach the point which the modal was opened. We will address this issue by the end of 2023.

3.2.2 On Input (A)
Some forms, including those in System Settings, do not have input/buttons with role=’submit’. We will aim to remedy this by end of 2023.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)
LibGuides uses the chosen plugin for several select/dropdown fields which do not have appropriate field labels/aria-label attribute. We are systematically updating these to use the select2 plugin (which will contain field labels and aria-label attributes) and will complete this transition by mid 2023.

1.4.10 Reflow (AA)
The modal interface that is displayed when adding new assets to guide is cut off based on screen size. We are working on updating the rich text editor to address this issue and aim to complete this by the end of 2023.

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (AA)
Our authoring tool include help information that displays when hovering over a dedicated help icon; we are working on improving their behaviour for users with assistive devices. We are aiming to update the help tool tip behaviour by the end of 2023.

End user interface
1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (AA)
It is possible to customize all CSS in the LibGuides public interface, so care needs to be exercised by site customizers to remain in conformance. Without any css customization, discussion and blog post have the ‘Posted By’ text slightly below the 4.5:1 ratio. We will aim to address this by first quarter of 2023.

Authoring tool and End user interface
1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A)
Authoring tool: LibGuides uses the chosen plugin for several select/dropdown fields which do not have appropriate field labels/aria-label attribute. We are systematically updating these to use the select2 plugin (which will contain field labels and aria-label attributes) and will complete this transition by mid 2023.
End user interface:
Although Heading/H1 is missing text in landingpage by default, this is customizable and can be addedwith the ‘Welcome Message’ setting under Look & Feel-> Page Layout -> Homepage Layout.Authoring Tool: LibGuides uses the chosen

2.1.1 Keyboard (A)
Authoring tool: Help/info tooltips are not keyboard accessible and rely on mouse hover. The page/box reorder functionality is not keyboard accessible. We are in the process of remedying this as we update our authoring tool to Bootstrap 5 and will complete this by the end of 2023.
End user interface:Some help/info tooltips are not keyboard accessible and rely on mouse hover. The tabs on the tabbed content boxes are navigable via tab key followed by the enter key to access the content. We will be looking into replacing the tab key navigation with arrow keys insteadin spring of 2023.

3.3.1 Error Identification (A)
Errors in form submissions are generally described to the user in text.

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (A)
Authoring tool: LibGuides uses the chosen plugin for select/dropdown fields which do not have appropriate labels fields/aria-label attribute. Various select/input type filter fields do not have associated labels. We will aim to remedy this by the second quarter of 2023.

End user interface:The pagination buttons for search results do nothave appropriate aria-labels. We will aim to remedy thisby the second quarter of 2023.

4.1.3 Status Messages (AA)
Status messages are returned to the user to let them know if successful form transaction has been made. However, these status messages lack the appropriate roles (role=’status’). We’re also using the jQuery Notify function to generate status message on the Authoring Tool side. We will work on remedying this by the first quarter of 2022.

LibApps ()

Authoring tool
1.3.1 Info and Relationships (A)
Domains and Certificates, My Profile, Manage Account, and Manage Patrons have tabs with incorrect roles.

2.1.1 Keyboard (A)
The tooltip help icons are navigable by mouse only. An internal ticket has been filed for this issue.

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (A)
We do not have a ‘Skip to Main Content’ link for all authoring tool pages that allows users to skip the top navigation. An internal ticket has been filed for this issue.

2.4.4 Link Purpose (A)
There is an exception with the logout button in the toolbar when viewed through a mobiledevice. The text “Logout” is hidden with only the icon visible with no alt text.

2.5.3 Label in Name (A)
There is an exception with the username in the top navbar. This username is not included in its aria-label.

3.3.1 Error Identification (A)
Some error messages and feedback do not have proper alert roles.
When editing the account info in the patron landing page, the required field feedback messages do not have the proper alert roles.

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (A)
Some input fields do not have labels correctly associated with them.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (A)
Some pages have field values that have no associated labels: Profile Image, Image Manager, Domains and Certificates. An internal ticket has been filed for this issue.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (AA)
Home – Springy News dates have contrast ratio (CR) of 4.48:1
My Account – Email Me button has CR of 2.09:1
My Account – Password help text has CR of 1.6:1
Some datatables use pipe “|” for decorative purposes
Disabled buttons are an exception that do not need to comply to the 4.5:1 contrast ratio rule.

1.4.4 Resize text (AA)
Image Manager: The folder name clips off with overflow:hidden
Manage Customer Record: Timezone, catalog vendor, and discovery layer vendor name clip off.

1.4.5 Images of Text (AA)
Our help docs will sometimes include screenshots which include text to label screenshot elements; these are always accompanied by text information within the same page.

1.4.10 Reflow (AA)
Some admin pages do not reflow on a smaller device and require both vertical and horizontal scrolling.

End user interface
2.4.5 Multiple Ways (AA)
The only way to get to the patron page is to go to Manage Account when viewing blog posts.

Authoring tool and End user interface
1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (AA)
Authoring tool: New Account Fields do not have the type attributes (email). They do not have autocomplete attributes. We do not want to add autocomplete to the new account email fields because this could be set to any new email.
End user interface:The first and last name fields on the Patron landing page's Account Information do not have proper type attributes.

1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (AA)
There are no elements that require hover or focus in order to display additional content.
Tooltip contents are dismissible only when the tooltip has lost hover or focus.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels (AA)
The modal uses H5 for its title (skipping multiple heading levels).
The heading element in “Your Sites” box skips multiple heading levels.
There is a hidden modal with h5 (skipping other heading levels).
Image Manager skips multiple heading levels.

An internal ticket has been filed for these issues.

4.1.3 Status Messages (AA)
When saving changes to the patron account info, the Success message does not have the proper role. An internal ticket has been filed for this issue.
Some forms have editable fields where the changes are saved with no feedback. We have an internal ticket filed to address this issue.

If you find an issue that we have yet to identify, please contact us using one of the routes described in the ‘Reporting accessibility problems with this website’ section of this statement.

Disproportionate burden

At this time, we have not made any disproportionate burden claims.

Content that’s not within the scope of the accessibility regulations

Third-party content

Our websites contain third-party content. We do not have control over and are not responsible for the accessibility of this content, but we make best endeavours to work with the third-party to improve its accessibility. This may include:

  • links to non-911ebsites
  • content/functionality on our website
  • content hosted on other websites, such as social media sites
  • documents which are sent to us and uploaded, or comments left on pages by members of the public

To help accessibility compliance across the sector, University College London supports , a centralised, independent directory of third-party accessibility information.

searchBOX catalogues the contact information and accessibility statements of third-party suppliers, enables the sharing of community-generated accessibility statements, and allows users to map their supplier ecosystem.

Users can access third-party accessibility statements using the free .

UCL encourages all our partners and suppliers to support this effort by ensuring that their accessibility information is included in the searchBOX directory.

Our testing processes

Issues have been identified with reference to the accessibility conformance information provided by Springshare via the(login required).

For third-party applications we have sourced accessibility statements from suppliers directly (wherever possible) and added these to (a centralised, independent directory of third-party accessibility information) and documented this in our accessibility statements.

What we’re doing to improve accessibility

UCL are working with Springshare to address the accessibility issues identified in their conformance reports.

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 27 November 2023. This website was last tested on 3 November 2023. The test was carried out by Springshare.